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Latest Update: August 17th

The address is here!!! You can now order your copy of "Scream Louder" for only $10! Please send cash or money order (made out to "CASH") ONLY to:
Scream Louder
14286-19 Beach Blvd. #389
Jacksonville, FL  32250
Also include a piece of paper with your name and address on it so we know where to mail the tape to. Sorry, but we can NOT accept checks. And yes...that price INCLUDES shipping! The $10 pays for your high quality hi-fi stereo video tape, the copying process, the video jacket, and the shipping! We are not making a profit here, we simply want to show you all this fun amateur movie!


"SCREAM LOUDER" NEWS - August 17th

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know we're alive (sorry about the lack of pics on the site...we'll try and get some up soon!)As you can see from the lack of updates, there's not much news concerning "Scream Louder" to speak of. The movie has been out for almost a year now, so things will probably stay that way. Right now, we at Imperial are throwing all efforts towards making the public aware of "Writer's Block," our all-new, original horror movie. If you'd like to learn more about "Writer's Block," go to the link below. If you've seen "Scream Louder" and are interested in seeing ANOTHER amateur "Scream" sequel unrelated to Imperial and "Scream Louder", go to the "Scream Forever" site below and support John Simpson and his crew so they can get "SF" on-track. That's all for now. Check out the "Writer's Block" website and prepare yourself for one hell of a fun amateur movie!

June 5th Update

The "Writer's Block" Webpage is up and running! It's VERY simple right now, but will expand soon. To get general info on the upcoming amateur movie, click the link below!


June 4th Update

Well, it's official: The "Writer's Block" webpage WILL open up on June 5th. On the page, you'll find info on the story, the cast, and a few pictures, including the movie poster. Though a trailer won't be immediately available, there will be one up soon along with a few clips from the movie also available to download. The page will start off simple, but should expand into a really great webpage as time progresses. Be here tonight at midnight and there will be a link here to take you right to the official "Writer's Block" webpage!

May 26th Update

Production on "Writer's Block" has been lengthened a little so we can shoot an additional un-scripted finale scene outside of Planet Hollywood in Orlando. That scene will be shot on Saturday, May 30th. After that, there will be a week of re-shoots. So, the production will now wrap on June 7th, two weeks behind schedule, which really isn't bad. We just want to do the re-shoots and the finale to make the movie as perfect as possible. We have A LOT of production stills that are ready to be seen when the "Writer's Block" webpage goes up on Friday, June 5th. We even have a movie poster that will be featured on the page. A trailer will be cut this week and should make it's debut on the webpage a week or two after it launches. Many people have e-mailed us asking when "Writer's Block" will be released. At this point, it's undecided, though we DO know the movie will be complete, ready, and edited by the end of June. That means it could be released sometime in July or August, though we MAY opt to wait and release it closer to Halloween. Needless to say, the webpage will keep you posted on that. The reason you haven't seen any details about "Writer's Block"'s story is because it has not been registered with the Writer's Guild yet, though that will happen before the website launch on June 5th. We think we have a good story here and we don't want it exploited. That's all for now. As always, if you have any questions, please e-mail us.

May 10th Update

A special thanks goes out to "Cinema" magazine for covering "Scream Louder" in their current issue. In a story about the opening of "Scream 2," "Scream Louder" is mentioned and it's brought about a lot of attention from Europe ("Cinema" is a Europeon magazine written in German - the equivalent to our "Entertainment Weekly" or "Premiere."). You can find a link to "Cinema"'s website below, though it is written in German. Anyway, though "Scream Louder" is amazingly STILL going strong, we have been EXTREMELY busy with our new movie "Writer's Block," which is halfway through shooting and is scheduled to wrap on May 24th. As stated previously, this page will soon become an Imperial Pictures index page that will link you to separate movie pages for our films. Soon, probably within the next two weeks, the "Writer's Block" page will go up with a whole lot of pictures featured, a story outline, and the movie poster. There may even be a trailer available to download. It will be a very cool page. Guess that's all to say for now. Just wanted to let everyone know that the movie is being made and that's it's almost finished...things are going extremely well with it and production is going four times as fast as it did with "Scream Louder" and this is going to be a MUCH better movie. The easiest thing this time around is that we're not having to live up to certain expectations with "Writer's Block" because it consists of our own story and our own characters. It's going to be one fun movie. Check back here soon for more information on the forthcoming "Writer's Block" page!

April 16th Update

Finally: News on Imperial Pictures' next project. It's been a while, but work is about to begin on our next venture into horror. The tentative name of the movie: "Writer's Block." That name will more than likely change soon, though. We went through various stories and various genres for our next flick: Everything from a sequel to "Scream Louder" to our own "Halloween" flick. But instead of going that route, we're going to make this original horror flick in the true tradition of "Scream" and "I Know What You Did Last Summer." The script has been written and the cast has been set. The locations have been chosen and filming commences this weekend. Details about the story will be up on this page early next week, after the screenplay gets WGA registered. Check back soon. This page will soon turn into an IMPERIAL PICTURES index page, that will greatly feature news and info on "Writer's Block," but there will still be a "Scream Louder" page, since there is still great interest in it.


Let us just make one thing perfectly clear: "Scream Louder" is NOT the REAL sequel to "Scream." "Scream Louder" is an amateur-filmed sequel to the box office smash that has no association with Dimension Films. The real sequel to "Scream," "Scream 2," is currently available on home video. The reason we are saying this is because we've gotten MANY e-mails from people who think that "Scream Louder" is the real sequel to "Scream." It is NOT.


"Scream Louder" is a VERY professional-looking amateur movie. Some of the sets used were the outside of Planet Hollywood in Orlando, as well as a REAL news station in Jacksonville, FL. In addition, the 10-minute opening sequence was filmed in Holmdel, NJ in July of '97.

"Scream" is owned by Dimension Films. This page has no association with Dimension Films and is fan-based. "Scream Louder" is a movie being filmed by fans of "Scream" who have no intention of infringement.


"Scream Forever" Webpage
