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Welcome to Mushu's Place of Bitching!

Updated 9/29/99

I am the powerful, 
the pleasurable, the indestructable Mushu.

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Alrighty people, due to the inspiration from the dorkus Mike and his really cool chick, Danielle, I have decided to resurrect my rant page. I don't have one yet, but I will and I will be trying to relate it somewhat to little Mike's rants. Some will be my own opinions that you should know by heart because Im a genius, though I can't type worth crap. Either way, enjoy the look into my sick and twisted mind. For any of my rants related to that one guy, I think his name is Mike something, see link 1 at the bottom of the page.

So, you think high school prepares you for college?

Hey all, thought I would enlighten all of you that may still be in high school about how usuless a process it is. Now, every level prior to the next level is supposed to be a prepatory step if I'm not mistaken. In elementary school you learn about social interaction, how to count, read, fingerpaint, etc. All of the important things. Junior high is supposed to ready you for high school but that in turn is also a joke. The main problem is the fact that from JH to HS and from HS to college they tell you about how hard the next level is but assume that this is enough to prepare you for it which is total crap. JH is only a couple years for most people so I will focus more on the 4 years of "work" at HS. My problem was that I was always a smart kid. I used to ignore my reading assignments, pass notes during class, and I would still get A's and B's. Im sure that many of you are familiar with this scenario. So, due to this fact I went through HS and never really learned how or even what to study. I think that really has to be the main problem. When I got to college, I didn't realize that you had to study your material to get a decent grade. In fact, I realized that I never even knew how to study. Four rocky years later, Im about a year and a half behind, but I have finally found my groove and am doing well. The other joke about HS is the time and amount of assignments. You are in school for 8/9 months out of the year and you have each class for half that time. Do you know how badly you can screw up early and come back at the end and get a B, sometimes even an A. You don't know how often i did this. This is another one of those HS tricks that you are going to have to learn to live without. In a college semester system you have about 18 weeks of class, which is actually close to HS standards except these classes are real. In the quarter system that I am at, I only have 10 weeks per class. Let me tell you, yea it sucks. If you screw up once, your dead becuase most classes aren't loaded with homework to help increase you to that next grade up. Nope, most of the classes I have taken have their grade averaged in three tests that you take with no make-up. Miss one of these or do poorly and your grade is dead. Finally we have the difference in teachers. In HS you have the nice, sweet, and yes very nieve teachers that you can talk into just about anything, especially if you are a cute girl. Well, cute girls can get away with some professors but the price is probably a lot higher if you catch my drift. However, most of the time, your profs are understanding, but don't give chances or put up with your bullshit. Don't even try it, it hardly ever works. I used to have 5 out of 6 HS teachers believing whatever crap I said to them and my ratio is probably 1 out of 6 with professors. They have a nose for bullshit it seems like. So anyway, the point is that if you think HS is hard or that it will prepare you for the future in college, you are sorely mistaken. I ask you know to go out, quickly, and learn whatever you can about study habits and talk to college students and get a handle on what the "real" world it really like. Not from an old HS teacher who thinks they know whats going on, but from a friend a few years older who is currently suffering through this time of shit...

Hey lookie here, my second rant why MTV sucks most of the time.

Alright, lets see if we are all intelligent enough to understand this. They have CNN, an all news channel; they have ESPN, an all sports channel; they have the golf channel, can you guess whats on that; they have Home Shopping Network; yup, they sell you useless crap; and then you have MTV which doesn't understand the theory behind naming a channel with what is on it. MTV stands for music television right? Then why in all hell do I have to see 7 stupid people in a house acting like they aren' acting to a camera. Then there are 5 idiots who get to drive around in this ugly old RV doing adventure, woohoo! What else do we got, some claymation celebrities cutting eachothers nads off and a show about fashion, and hey, anyone remember Rodman World Tour, hehe. The point is, you know what used to be on MTV? Music videos, 24 hours a day!?! I know what your thinking "...thats not true!!!! Thats impossible!!" Search your feelings, you know it to be ture. I did research on this. My mom told me so. All there used to be on there was music, it was used instead of a radio cause you had some visual stimulants and such. This is an unprecedented truth. Music on a station called music television, who would have thought? Im not saying that I don't like any of the shows in there. Hell, Celebrity Death Match rules and I don't mind spending part of my day looking at models trying skimpy outfits on, but they should be on another channel. That M2 thing sucked for the most part. They shoudl just make MTV all videos and make another one called Gen-X or something cause that is what all the programming is geared to. So, until we can have a president at MTV with some common sense when it comes to naming stations, we will have to watch all that misc. crap on "M"TV

My first rant, all rejoice!

Guess what everyone, I have met this girl last night at the pool hall and we talked for almost an hour. We are in love and are getting married this weekend and I want you all to be there. Her name is heather, um, heather something. She has two kids right now and pregnant with another one but thats okay, my 6.80 an hour should be able to support us, plus we can get welfare. She's only 16 though so her parents have to sign a form for us to get married but they seem cool about it since we are going to be living with them. Okay, I hope none of you actually buy that, but it was my as per usual trademarked sarcastic ass intro. My problem, what is up with everyone and their grandma getting married now a days. It seems that once someone turn like 19 they are in some rush and fascination to get married. I have also noticed that many of these people knew their future captive for less than a month or so. I don't even see the reason. Only one person I heard of got married because they got pregnant. All of them are people who must be anxious about doing their taxes together and getting a discount on their car insurance. I see no other reason at the moment. Sure, if you love eachother and believe in the whole marriage thing (I know you don't Mike so shut up! =Þ) then sure get married but what the hell is the rush. This is not the old west or something where people die at 30, with medical advances and all that herbal crap people live to 70, 80, 90, even a 100 years old. Why are they in such a rush to get tied down? If you meet someone at 20 and marry them around then, then how do you know what other women/men are like? Im not saying that you should cheat on someone you are with but c'mon. You gotta go out and try a few flavors before you decide that you are a rocky road person. Such limitations are sad. Its good to have boundries, I know I have mine but still, you gotta live a little before you get married and die...all hate mail can be addressed to my email at the bottom and any packages containing high explosives and dolls with their heads cut off can be sent to Mike Croy. Thank you.

My discussion of Mike's first rant (check out his page first)

Who does this guy think he is? He's full of crap. I know that when I get a girlfriend, I don't have to talk to my friends anymore, why would I need them for anything? I have someone special in my life now, friends aren't that great and all. Your girlfriend/boyfriend should be the only person that you will ever need in life. Of course, if something happens, its okay to go grovel back to those losers of friends. Okay, granted, we should all know Im kidding but even pretending to act like that makes me sick. Generally I love to disagree with the Mikester but on this issue I can't. There is nothing wrong with having someone that you are seeing or dating or whatever, but it is a whole other thing to alienate and isolate yourself from friends to be with that one person. It is also not acceptable to allow them to tag along everywhere. Occasionly, its okay, if your friends like them. Bringing them along when your friends hate them, well, lets just say it doesn't work. Not to take from Mike too much but i like his philosophy of friendship time and relationship time. It probably would be alright to see your friends companion if they just acted like friends in a group. I have to give props to Mike and Danielle causee they don't do that, "who cares if we are hanging out with 17 people, lets make out in the corner." There is always a time and a place and amongst all your friends ain't it. I for one feel sorry for those people that are in the thier co-parasitic relationships feeding off each other for survival. Some day, you'll jsut end up killing eachother. Well, at least we can hope, hehehe.

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