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Varsity Stats 2001-02

Olathe North Tournament
1)Paola 199, 2)Washington 123, 3)SM WEST 118, 4)Blue Valley 115, 5)Olathe North 98, 6)SM Northwest 77.5, 7) Wyandotte 64.5, 8) Harmon 42, 9)Ottawa 17

112:Swander dec. 9-4 Herrington(PAO), LBF to Parks (OLN), WBF Adams(WYD), was dec. 6-5 Herrington(PAO)4TH PLACE
119:Hutchings was maj. 16-5 by Elmore(PAO), WBF Gonzalez(WAS)3RD PLACE
125:Tindle was tech 20-4 by Trullinger(SNW), LBF Newton(WAS)4TH PLACE
130:Jewett dec. 9-4 Roath(WAS), dec. 7-5 Hermerek(PAO) 1ST PLACE
135:Mason WBF Lang(SNW), LBF Eakins(BV), dec. 13-7 Adams (WYD), LBF Brown (WAS) 4TH PLACE
140:Kammerer WBF Mayes(OLN), dec. 11-4 Moses(WAS), dec. 6-4 Oliphant(PAO)1ST PLACE
145:Stair LBF Hammett(BV), WBF Coffman(OTT), LBF Beatty(WAS)
152:Cox was tech 17-2 Miller(PAO), WBF Foster(SNW), LBF Jackson(WAS)
160:Gay tech Jackson(WAS) 18-3, was dec. 8-4 by Dennis(BV), tech 18-1 Young (WYD), LBF Jackson(WAS)4TH PLACE
171:Groom WBF Marcus (HAR), LBF Monks(BV), LBF Brogle(PAO)
189:Curry was maj. 13-5 by Walker(WYD), WBF Walsh (SNW), was maj 9-0 by Ostmeyer(BV)
215:Siegele WBF Hintz(BV), LBF Browning(OLN), dec. 8-4 Smith (HAR), was OT dec. 4-2 by Cullor(PAO)4TH PLACE
275:VanDeelen WBF Stricland(WYD), LBF Pulliam(HAR), WBF Olney(BV), WBF Baptist(SNW)3RD PLACE

SM West 44
SM East 23
103:Both OPEN
112:Swander WBF Lewis
119:Hutchings is dec 8-6 by Miller
125:Tindle LBF to Pryor
130:Jewett WBF Miller
135:Mason LBF Ecker
140:Kammerer WBF Crain
145:Stair is dec. 2-1 by Sanderegger
152:Cox WBF Gillenwater
160:Gay tech fall Crain
171:Groom was tech by Clemmons
189:Curry dec. 11-8 Robinson
215:Siegele wins by OPEN
275:VanDeelen WBF Cope

Gardner-Edgerton Tourn.

1)Spring Hill 172, 2)Bonner Springs 179, 3)Lawrence Free State 154, 4)SM WEST 124.5, 5)Lansing 92, 6)Gardner-Edgerton 82.5, 7)Mill Valley 56, 8)Wichita East 27, 9)Piper 26.5, 10)Tri-City Christian 6

103:Swander WBF Thrasher(L), LBF Ratliff(BON), WBF Allsbury (FS), WBF Thrasher(L)3RD PLACE
112:Hutchings was dec. 6-4 by Bloodgood(SPH), WBF Nguyn(WE), WBF Thompson(GE), was dec. 2-0 by Bloodgood(SPH)4TH PLACE
119:Tindle LBF Hudgins(SPH), was dec. 10-8 by Buck(BON)
130:Jewett WBF O'Hara(TCC), WBF Kiler(MV), was maj. 15-3 by Vandenberg(BON)2ND PLACE
135:Mason was dec. 14-12 by Roberts(SPH), WBF Montgomery(P), maj 8-0 Roberts(SPH)3RD PLACE
140:Kammerer WBF Jaspers(GE), dec. 7-3 Buck(BON), was maj. 14-0 by Stirling(SPH)2ND PLACE
145:Stair WBF Jones(SPH), LBF Mullins(GE), maj. 13-5 Link(P), was 2OT dec. 4-4 by Borders(L)
152:Cox was maj. 13-2 by Schoffner(FS), WBF Duxbury(L), was dec. 8-2 by Carpenter(BON)
160:Gay WBF(OT) McGuire(GE), was dec. 11-4 by McGovern(FS), dec. 4-1 Hildreth(WE), was maj. 8-0 by Pratt(SPH)4TH PLACE
171:Curry LF DEFAULT Conley(SPH)
189:Siegele maj. 13-0 Miller(L), LBF Pingleton(MV), WBF Kratz(WE), dec. 4-2 Burns(BON)3RD PLACE
275:VanDeelen WBF Rittinghouse(BON), WBF Steinbach(FS), WBF Honeycutt(GE)1ST PLACE

Johnson County Classic
1)Spring Hill 235, 2)Blue Valley Northwest 178, 3)Aquinas 176.5, 4)Blue Valley North 166, 5)Olathe South 145.5, 6)SM Northwest 132.5, 7) SM South 132, 8) SM East 125, 9)SM WEST 113.5, 10)Blue Valley 107, 11)Olathe East 98, 12)Olathe North 90.5 13)SM North 75, 14)Miege 73, 15)Gardner-Edgerton 49, 16)DeSoto 40, 17)Mill Valley 34.5, 18)Blue Valley West 24

103:Swander WBF Davis (BVN), WBF Hudgins(SPH), WBF Rider(GE), WBF Foster(BV), WBF Ford (SMNW), dec. 13-12 Ibarra(STA)1ST PLACE
112:Hutchings tech 16-0 by Ball(BVNW), dec. 11-7 by Block(BVN)
119:Tindle maj. 10-0 by Gilchrist(OLE), LBF Boyd(BVNW), LBF Burdick(SMN)
130:Jewett WBF Boyd(GE), WBF Lang (SMNW), WBF Modersohn(OLS), dec. 10-5 Hipsh(BVNW), dec. 6-5 Sultani(SMS), was dec. 4-1 by Strohm(MIE)2ND PLACE
135:Kammerer WBF Hall(SMN), was tech 15-0 by Bogart(SMS), WBF Swing(BVW), was dec. 6-3 by Crystal(BVNW), dec. 4-2 Goodman(SMNW), was dec. 6-3 by Eakins(BV), dec. 6-5 Ecker(SME)5TH PLACE
140:Stair LB Default by Cline(SMN)
145:Mason LBF Mullins(GE), was dec. 11-5 by Hodge(DES), LBF Stirling(SPH)
152:Gay was maj. 17-8 by Day(OLE), WBF Bowes(BVW), WBF Marsh(MV), was dec. 10-4 by Hill(SMNW), dec. 8-6 Parker(DES), dec. 10-3 Day(OLE), was dec. 3-1 by Hill SMNW)4TH PLACE
160:Groom was dec. 11-5 by Swartz(OLE), WBF Folken(MIE), LBF Trumble(BVNW)
171:Lindsey LBF Clemmons(SME), LBF Cruz(OLS), LBF Roberson(BVNW)
189:Siegele LBF Robinson(SME), was maj. 9-0 by Pingelton(MV), maj. 16-6 Ellis(SMS)
215:Robinson LBF Coffey(BVN), LBF Minion(BVW)
275:VanDeelen WBF Regier(STA), WBF Honeycutt(GE), WBF Popchoke(OLS), LBF Haselhorst(OLE), WBF Skavo(SMNW), WBF Jones(BVNW), was dec. 8-2 by Haselhorst(OLE)4TH PLACE

Schlagle Tournament
1)Washington 170.5 2)Topeka Seaman 146 3)SM East 141 4)SM WEST 133 5)Topeka 106.5 6)Wyandotte 105 7)Miege 81 8)Schlagle 66 9)Topeka Highland Park 61

103:Swander WBF over George(SCH), WBF over Tibbs(TS), was dec. 9-2 by Gray(TOP) 2ND PLACE
125:Tindle WBF over Jones(WYD), LBF by Hanna(TS), dec. 9-4 Garst(HP), WBF over Smith(SCH)3RD PLACE
130:Jewett WBF over Jefferson(WYD), WBF over Brown(WAS), was dec. 6-4 by Strohm(MIE)2ND PLACE
135:Kammerer maj. dec. 11-3 over DeBacker(TS), was dec. 6-5 by Roath(WAS)2ND PLACE
140:Mason LBF by Woofter(SME), maj. dec. 13-4 Abron(WYD), dec. 10-8 over Moses(WAS), LBF by Volle(TOP)4th PLACE
152:Cox LBF by Jackson(WAS), LBF by Gillenwater(SME)
160:Gay WBF over LeValley(TOP), LBF by Burrell(TS), WBF over Martinez(MIE), was dec. 11-7 by Clemmons(SME) 4th PLACE
171:Groom WBF over Best(TS), was maj. 12-4 by Owens(MIE), WBF over Benke(TOP), was dec. 6-4 by Gibson(WAS)4th PLACE
189:Siegele LBF by Gould(HP), WBF over Krahm(TS), LBF by Kurah(SCH)
215:Robinson LBF by Holiday(SCH), WBF over Cope(SME), LBF by Bond(MIE)
275:VanDeelen WBF over Owens(WYD), 2OT dec. 3-3 by Vandergriff(MIE)2ND PLACE

SM West 38
Leavenworth 30

103:Swander was OT dec. 12-10 by Lucynski
112:Combs(L) wins by Open
119:Haston wins by Open
125:Tindle was pinned by Bezy
130:Jewett pins Neuendorff
135:Kammerer pins Sokoldski
140:J. Mason was dec. 8-4 by Weilbacher
145:T. Mason tech 21-6 Keane
152:Cox pins Wheeler
160:Gay was dec. 13-7 by Johnston
171:Groom dec 11-4 Grant
189:Siegele was dec. 10-7 by Bleu
215:Robinson was pinned by Delariva
275:VanDeelen pins Miracle

SM West 42
Olathe South 33

103:Swander pins MacKay
112:Elsrode(OLS) wins by Open
119:Haston was pinned by Sielert
125:Tindle dec. 13-10 Nobert
130:Jewett wins by Open
135:J. Mason wins by Open
140:Kammerer dec. 9-6 Stealy
145:T. Mason was pinned by Kirby-Hill
152:Cox pins Fitzgerald
160:Gay pins Herman
171:Groom was tech 20-6 by Cruz
189:Siegele was tech 17-1 by Dyer
215:Robinson was pinned by Ault
275:VanDeelen wins by Open

SM West 52
BV North 21

103:Swander tech 15-0 Smith
112:Both Open
119:Haston was pinned by McCormick
125:Tindle wins by Open
130:Jewett wins by Open
135:Kammerer tech 16-1 Ernst
140:J. Mason was pinned by Stephenson
145:T. Mason wins by Open
152:Cox was dec. 14-7 by Regnier
160:Gay wins by Open
171:Groom wins by Open
189:Siegele was pinned by Martin
215:Robinson wins by Open
275:VanDeelen pins Weeks

Santa Fe Trail 45
SM West 30

103:Swander pins Cordts
112:Fulton(SFT) wins by Open
119:Haston was pinned by Kelly
125:Tindle wins by Open
130:Jewett pins Fulton
135:Kammerer dec. 4-3 Connelly
140:McBurney(SFT) wins by Open
145:T. Mason was pinned by Wiscombe
152:Cox was pinned by Eden
160:Gay dec. 16-9 Baird
171:Groom was pinned by Bretsnyder
189:Siegele was dec. 8-5 by Boss
215:Robinson was pinned by Squires
275:VanDeelen pins Dewitt

SM West 44
Kapan 30

103:Swander pins Torgler
112:Hagon(KAP) wins by Open
119:Haston pins Spedding
125:Tindle was pinned by Hoover
130:Jewett pins Hagon
135:Kammerer tech 16-0 O'Donnell
140:J. Mason was pinned by Jonas
145:T. Mason pins Rues
152:Cox pins Burrus
160:Gay was tech 17-0 by Stockham
171:Groom dec. 8-6 Mitchell
189:Vossler was tech 16-0 by Hernandez
215:Siegele pins Wohler
275:VanDeelen was OT dec. 3-1 by Voegeli

Baldwin 50
SM West 24

103:Swander pins Bonner
112:Kohn(B) wins by Open
119:Haston was pinned by Sage
125:Tindle was pinned by Gammon
130:Jewett pins Hamilton
135:Kammerer pins Gammon
140:J. Mason was pinned by Lang
145:T. Mason was pinned by Halford
152:Cox pins Hirschmann
160:Gay was dec. 11-9 by Halford
171:Groom was pinned by Flory
189:Siegele was dec. 3-1 by Halford
215:Vossler was tech 15-0 by Hamilton
275:VanDeelen was dec. 10-8 by Hinton

SM West 42
Olathe East 38

103:Swander pins Russell
112:Wright(OLE) wins by Open
119:Haston was pinned by Gilchrist
125:Tindle was tech 17-1 by Bartles
130:Jewett pins Russell
135:Kammerer wins by Open
140:J. Mason wins by Default
145:T. Mason was pinned by Singular
152:Cox was dec. 18-14 by Day
160:Gay was pinned by Salvoni
171:Groom was pinned by Schieber
189:Siegele pins Caughlin
215:Robinson pins Snyder
275:VanDeelen pins Haselhorst

Emporia 51

103:Swander tech 22-6 Ast
112:Ast(EMP) wins by OPEN
119:Haston was pinned by Herrera
125:Tindle was pinned by Nelson
130:Jewett pins Henning
135:Bess(EMP) wins by OPEN
140:T. Mason was pinned by Everett
145:Stair was pinned by Johnson
152:Cox pins Adkins
160:Gay maj 9-1 Kosko
171:Groom was tech 15-0 by Armitage
189:Siegele pins Cornejo
215:Robinson was pinned by Kosko
275:VanDeelen was maj 14-3 by Slocum

SMS 49
SMW 30

103:Swander wins by OPEN
112:Runyon(SMS) wins by OPEN
119:Haston was pinned by Suh
125:Tindle was maj 12-1 by Tyson
130:Jewett pins Sultani
135:Bogart(SMS) wins by OPEN
140:T. Mason was pinned by Kim
145:Stair was pinned by Clayton
152:Cox was pinned by Delaughter
160:Gay wins by OPEN
171:Groom was pinned by Meeker
189:Vossler wins by OPEN
215:Siegele was dec. 12-9 by Bernier
275:VanDeelen pins Raynor

SM North Tournament
1)Bishop Carroll 252, 2)Aquinas 147, 3)SM East 127.5, 4)SM West 107, 5)SM South 96.5, 6)SM Northwest 91.5, 7)Washington 77.5, 8)Leavenworth 75, 9)SM North 44.5, 10)Harmon 41, 11)(Tie)Raytown and Wichita North 23

103:Swander pins Keener(SMN), pins Lucynski(LEV), was maj. 16-5 by RedCorn(SMNW)2ND PLACE
119:Haston was pinned by Loos(CAR), was pinned by Suh(SMS)
125:Tindle maj. 17-9 Lines(RAY), was tech 18-3 by Trullinger(SMNW), dec. 11-4 Bezy(LEV), pins Thurman(SMN), was pinned by Miller(SME)
130:Jewett pins MacCallum(STA), dec 7-5 Sultani(SMS), dec 9-8 Hanna(CAR) 1ST PLACE
140:T. Mason maj. 14-6 Moses(WAS), was pinned by Cisper(STA), maj 13-0 Townsend(HAR), dec. 9-6 Weilbacher(LEV), was pinned by Woofter(SME)
145:Stair dec. 11-6 Hall(RAY), was pinned by Vogel(CAR), was maj. 11-2 by Tracz(SMN)
152:Cox pins Wheeler(LEV), was pinned by Brown(CAR), pins Hager(SMN), pins Delaughter(SMS), was pinned by Ibarra(STA)
160:Gay was pinned by Sponsel(CAR), pins Townsend(SMN), pins Rowell(WN), was dec. 9-8 by Konrath(STA)
171:Groom pins Marcus(HAR), was pinned by Conaghan(STA), pins Slavens(WAS), was dec. 10-3 by Rodriquez(WN)
189:Siegele dec. 11-7 Blew(LEV), was maj 9-0 by Dugan(CAR), dec. 7-0 Ellis(SMS), pins Blew(LEV) 3RD PLACE
215:Robinson was dec. 11-8 by Cochran(STA), was pinned by Delvaria(LEV)
275:VanDeelen pins Thompson(RAY), was pinned by Dugan(CAR), pins Carrera(SMN), pins Reginer(STA) 3RD PLACE

SMW 27

103:Swander was dec. 13-6 by Red Corn
112:Owens(SMNW) wins by open
119:Hill (SMNW) wins by open
125:Ladd was pinned by Gordon
130:Jewett was 2OT dec. by Trullinger 1-1
135:J. Mason was pinned by Goodman
140:T. Mason was pinned by Lang
145:Stair dec. 8-5 Duncan
152:Cox pins Foster
160:Gay was dec. 5-4 by Hill
171:Lindsey was pinned by Anderson
189:Siegele pins Nogueria
215:Robinson wins by Open
275:VanDeelen pins Skarvo

Sunflower League
1)SMS 139, 2)Olathe South 130, 3)Free State 125.5, 4)Olathe East 108, 5)SMNW 96.5, 6)Olathe North 84.5, 7)Lawrence 62.5, 8)SMW 61, 9)SME 59, 10)SMN 45.5, 11)Leavenworth 37

103:Swander pins Keener(SMN), pins Lucynski(LEV), was pinned by Red Corn(SMNW 2ND PLACE
130:Jewett pins Washington(OLN), pins Case(LFS), was dec. 1-0 by Sultani(SMS)2ND PLACE
135:J. Mason maj. dec.13-5 Myers(SMN), was pinned by Ecker(SME), Forfeit match Lang(SMNW)
140:T. Mason was pinned by Sanderson(LFS), pinned Moore(OLE), tech 17-2 Mayes(OLN), was dec. 8-4 by Cline(SMN)
145:Stair was dec. 7-2 by Soderegger(SME), maj. dec. 12-3 Morris(LFS), was dec. 5-1 Tracz(SMN)
152:Cox was pinned by Fitzgerald(OLS), was maj. dec. 24-13 by Humphrey(SMS)
160:V. Gay pinned Townsend(SMN), was tech 20-5 by Medill(LAW), was tech 21-6 by Jerousek(OLN)
171:Groom was pinned by Frank(LFS), pinned Newbanks(OLN), was pinned by Meeker(SMS)
189:Siegele was maj. dec. 13-3 by Kline(SMNW), was dec. 7-2 by Croxton(OLN)
275:VanDeelen pinned Steinbach(LFS), was dec. 7-4 by Poeverlain(LAW), dec. 8-6 Carrera(SMN), tech 25-8 Miracle(LEV)3RD PLACE

Regionals (AQUINAS)
1)BVNW 152, 2)Aquinas 130.5, 3)SMS 124.5, 4)BV North 115, 5)SMW 99, 6)SME 91.5, 7)SMNW 84, 8)SMN 57.5

103:Swander pinned Hetrick(BVN), maj. dec. 14-4 Ibarra(STA), was maj. dec. 17-4 by Red Corn(SMNW)2ND PLACE
125:Tindle was dec. 9-4 by Hipsh(BVNW), was dec. 7-2 by Bass(BVN)
130:Jewett pinned McCallum(STA), pinned Yoder(BVN), dec. 6-2 Mann(SME)1ST PLACE
135:Kammerer pinned Myers(SMN), was OT dec. 4-2 by Ecker(SME), pinned Ernst(BVN), pinned Jagoda(STA)3RD PLACE
140:T. Mason was pinned by Crystal(BVNW), was pinned by Landau(BVN)
145:Stair was pinned by Damas(STA), was dec. 11-7 by Duncan(SMNW)
152:Cox was pinned by Ibarra(STA), pinned Wolkey(SMN), was pinned by Trumble(BVNW)
160:Gay was OT dec. 8-6 by Konrath(STA), was dec. 3-0 by Hartshorne(SMS)
171:Groom was pinned by Conaghan(STA), pinned Pochowski(BVNW)3RD PLACE
189:Siegele maj. dec. 13-4 Robinson(SME), was pinned by Martin(BVN), dec. 6-0 Eillis(SMS), dec. 7-0 Robinson(SME)3RD PLACE
215:Robinson was pinned by Coffey(BVN), was pinned by Bernier(SMS)
275:VanDeelen dec. 16-15 Carrera(SMN), pinned Regier(STA)1ST PLACE

State Tournament

103:Swander was pinned by Ast(EMP), pinned Russell(OLE), was dec. 11-5 by Smith(WNW)
130:Jewett pinned Neuendorff(LEV), dec. 3-2 Manion(WH), was dec. 8-1 by Essex(EMP), dec. 2-1 Patterson(MZ), pinned Johnson(MAN) 3RD PLACE
135:Kammerer dec. 6-4 Everett(EMP), dec. 7-5 Wille(CAM), was maj. dec. 11-3 by Hentzen(MZ), was tech 18-1 by Herrman(MAN), was dec. 7-4 by Ecker(SME)6TH PLACE
171:Groom was pinned by Howard(WSE), forfeit win over Myers(CAM), was pinned by Foster(HUT)
189:Siegele was pinned by Perry(HUT), was dec. 4-3 by Westerhaus(OLE)
275:VanDeelen dec. 5-3 Stacey(MAN), was dec. 5-2 by Poeverlien(LAW), was dec. 7-4 by Jones(BVNW)