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My Aggro Skate Page

My setup

Welcome to my homepage. I just started making it so I don't have much but if you have any aggro pics or just want to talk then email me. I'm a 15 year old female aggresive inline skater. I live in Oregon and I'm in the 10th grade.

What I have on this page:

Skate Reviews

Wheel Reviews


skate terms



Keep scrolling down the page to see all of these

Product Reviews:


pro's: great skate comes with everything.

con's: wears easily

rating 10

RB TARMAC Ce-$239.99

pro's:nice grind plate

con's:boot is a little uncomfertable. kind of expensive

Rating: 8


ABOUT THIS SKATE:HGPU shell, lace-alu buckle closure. Slo-memory foam liner w/leather reinforcement, anatomic ventilated footbed. Special aggro grab strap. 5th element frame, grind plate, and central grind post. Senate 57mm/89A wheels ABEC 5 bearings, brass spacers. 4-position alu rocker washers.

PROS: brass spacers nice wheels comfortable boot

CONS: Kind of expensive for what you get



pro's: I couldn't find anything good about this skate.

con's: everything about this skate is bad.


K2 FATTY-289.95

pro's:good wheels basically just a really good skate.

con's:Kind of expensive.


I will have more product reviews later and if you have any product info. then email me.

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Wheel Reviews


CELL BLOCK(58mm / 88A)---$6.95

durability:7 traction:8.5 speed:9 over all:8.5

Dwarfs (67mm / 96A)--outdated

durability:8 traction:5 speed:7 overall:7


SPLINTER (66.5mm / 88A)---$___

durability:8 traction:8 speed:9 overall:8.5


durability:8 traction:6 speed:n/a overall:8

LOWRIDERS(56mm / 90A)

durability:5 traction:8 speed:7 overall:7

ROADHOUSE(47mm / +100A)

durability:9 traction:6 speed:n/a overall:9

I should have more wheel and skate reviews in a coulpe of days.

Skate Terms

ACID DROP-Slow or Standing jump or drop from one flat surface to another.

ACID SOUL-Font foot in royale, back foot in soul.

AIR-to leave the skating surface.

BACKSIDE-A grind done when your back is facing the rail or surb.

BACKSLIDE-Forward foot and leg raised and grabbed with the back foot in rolyale position, sliding sideways.

BIO-a flat spin in which the body is parrallel with the ground.

BRAINLESS-A backwards flip with a half spin.

CAMEL TOE-To hit both toes on the deck of the ramp while in the air.

CESS SLIDE-To slide on a flat surface sideways with both feet in royale position.

CHRIST AIR-To air with arms spread like Jesus on the cross.

COPING STALL-To stop on the coping.

CORKSCREW-inverted bio 540.

CROSS ROCKET-A rocket air in which legs are crossed straight, with one hand grabbing bottom foot.

CUSTART CHUCKER-handless miller flip.

DISASTER-To air, just before entering the ramp, land on the coping and spin into the ramp. On street, launch to a grind.

DROP-IN-Standing entry into a ramp.

EGGPLANT-One-handed invert performed with the opposite arm than normal.

FAKIE-to travel backwards.

FAHRVERGNUNEN-A frontside or backside style grind where, on the front foot, both the frame and the outside oh the boot are grinding. Can also be described as a reverse royale.

FARSIDE GRIND-To jump over and almost past a grind, then lock on the outside, or farside of the rail.

FASTBACK-The name for a backside backslide that Phil Riley uses.

FISHBRAIN-A top-side makio.

FIVE FORTY-A one in a half spin. (360+180)

I will type out the rest of the skating terms later. I have a whole bunch more just not enough time right now to type them all out.

Last updated Feb. 11 1998

My Favorite Links

FWO-one of best aggro skate web sites
Hanson Web Site
Chat Room
Daniels Aggressive Skating Page
At Soul Plate

If you have any links or want you link to be here email me the address and the title that you want your link to say.


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