Welcome To DRAXX_'s Personal
Web Communication Center,

Special Note:
WebTV doesn't have ICQ ~ YET!
But Webbers can still contact me with my
ICQ World Wide Pager while I'm on my computer,
or anyone can mail me here:

My old dinosaur I call a Computer:
Or you can try my chatroom,
#LetsGetComfy on TalkCity -

Or, as a last resort, open your back door,
and yell REAL loud  ~>  "YO! DRAXX!!"  LMAO

If you tripped over a search engine,
and fell in here by mistake,
why not visit my homepage while
you're massaging that knee,
and sign my guestbook if you have
a minute or two to spare!
just click here:
If you're new to WebTV,
and could use a little help,
just click here:
WebTV Users Only

Click on my pic below to visit my
Personal ICQ Web Communication Center,
or contact me by my ICQ# 55561936

I'll see YOU on ICQ!