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"If you're not married by the time you're're going to die!!"  --Max, age 5

You have to love children.  Their logic is so honest and wholesome.  To them, age is makes everything.  However once you reach a certain "age" in your life, you come to the realization that age is just a number, not a state of mind.  I know, that sounds like something than an old woman would say in her sixties.  "You're only as old as you think you are."'s true.

I think about my life and I look back reflect on what I've been given and what has been taken away from me.  For me, I wake up each morning and say thank you to God that he has given the miracle of each day.  I might be only in my twenties, but in these twenty or so years, I've learned more than some have in lifetimes.  I've held the hand of the sick and the dying; I've had to start my life over again and again and again; and I've got to witness the gift of life.  My life has been blessed with the best friends that I can have.  To each of you, thank you for everything......

OKAY....enough of the mushy stuff!!!!  I know you're not looking at my site to weep and've come here to see what kind of asinine thing I'm going to say now.  HA HA...JOKE'S ON YOU....AIN'T GOT NOTHING ON ME!  No verbal explosive diarrhea.  I guess I've just been in better spirits the past few weeks now that I have a job.  If you haven't heard, I'm working at the Jewish Columbia Center here in Columbia.  All right to answer the burning question that is on everyone's minds....yes, I'm still Baptist.  And....I'm back dancing, taking clogging!  


            Well.....take a look around.....I promise to update the pictures soon.....get off me, I've been busy!  

PICTURES are finally updated!!
Connie Memorial Page
POETRY with marginal meaning....

My thought for the day:
Live and learn; die and forget it all.
--My momma

Thought-provoking quotes


In loving memory of Matthew Simmons--for those that knew him, here's his homepage.

Abby's Homepage

Beth's Page