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The Arts

Artisitic talent runs in the blood of Iranians and they thrive wherever it should come into effect. In this page I would like to introduce you to just a few of the many areas of art that hold a place in Iranian culture.


Music in Iran is very different in comparisan to western music. There is use of whole range of different musical instruments. Some of these are Santoor(Dulcimer), Zarb(traditional drum made with cows' skin) and Nehy(wooden flute). Other widely used instruments are those that are familiar to western music such as the Piano, Violin and Clarinet.

Traditional music also varies form region to region of Iran. This is an example of Iranian music from the Turkish regions of Iran thus sung in the Turkish language.
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One famous Persian composer is Javad Marufi, here is an example of his compositions GOLDEN DREAMS

A traditional song, composed by M.Vafadar, that I played on the piano. The melody is also often played on the
Violin too MARA-BEBOOS
A piece of music represtenting the use of the zarb A SHORT PIECE


During the seventeenth century there was an invasion and conquest of Persia (old Iran). This meant that there was a change in the Persian script. However depite this invasion, approximately 300 hundred years later the old language was reintroduced although the arabic script was still used. This provided the Persians with a need for identity and therefore the best way to express this was through literature. The poetry that was written during this establishment of identity is still popular today amongst all Iranaians. Some of the most Famous Poets of that era are Firdawsi, Sa'adi, Hafiz and Umar Khayyim. Below is an example of the work of Sa'adi:

Protect thou the orphan whose father is dead;
Brush the mud from his dress, ward all hurt from his head.
Thou knowest not how hard his condition must be;
When the root has been cut; is there life in a tree?
Caress not and kiss not a child of thine own
In the sight of an orphan neglected and alone.
If the orphan sheds tears, Who his grief will assuage?
If his temper should fail him, who cares for his rage?
O! see that he weeps not, for shurely God's throne
Doth quake at the orphan's most pitiful moan!
With infinite pity, with tenderest care,
Wipe the tears from his eyes, brush the dust from his hair.

I have also written an essay concerning the history of language and how the country has developed with literary works:
"The Identity of a Nation: Renewal through poetry"

Persian Carpets

Probably the most famous form of Persian art is that of Persian Carpets. Indeed they are spectacular works of art that can, when hand knitted, take as long as several years to make. Some are designed purly for design, some represent moments throughout history and some are replications of paintings and are called Tableux. A persian carpet is made up of a grid of strings and into are knotted threads made from wool or silk.
Carpets that are of higher value are generally carpets that are older and have been worn in. Also ones that are made using silk obviuolsy have greater value.
Here is an example of a couple of persian carpets:

A historical carpet (1890) Purly for design (1890)


The script of the Persian language uses the an alphabet almost similar to that of Arabicand is therefore one of the most beautiful languages to be written. It allows for alot of calligraphy. Below are some pictures of calligraphy.

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