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Our house is literally a Zoo!!

(Be patient while the music, pictures, and background load!)

LOL!! Ok everyone...You should see our car when we have to pack up for a hurricane!! The vehicles are JAMMED PACKED! Everything from birds to horses goes!!

Here are some pictures! (These are not all of our animals! More pictures coming soon)

This is Pickles! He's a Quaker Parakeet. He does talk, but mostly SCREAMS!!! He says, "Hello Pickles" Reduntatly screams "Pickles, Pickles, Pickles!" "WHAT?" "What are you doing?" "Come here." "I love you!" And that's all I can think of right this second! Sometimes he barks like Alley. (Dustin's dog) We also have another bird pictured below.

This is my bird Kaytee! (parakeet) Although she doesn't talk, she too can bark just like Alley, and she sounds just like the phone when it's ringing! Also...her and Pickles copy cat each other back and forth constantly! It gets rather annoying at times!

This is Beau! (family dog!) All I have to say is....he's sweet to us, but VERY protective of his territory!

Oh and of course...couldn't leave Alley out!!! This is Dustin's dog! I don't claim her!! Haha!! WAY TOO HYPER! And MY WHAT BIG EARS SHE HAS!! lol!

This is my cat, Apricot!! As plainly seen here....She's lazy! She may look all sweet and innocent but she's got a mean streak in her! She likes to think she can beat up Alley!

Oh NO!!! Alley again! She's always in to something!

Dustin's cat Chance. This cat is really wierd! She can be so sweet and all...then all of a sudden bites the living blood out of you!! I don't know!! I'm just glad it's not my cat!! But then's Dustin's animal...what can ya expect!! lol!

Not Pictured yet:

Skip-my other horse!

Bubbles-the dog that I claim!!


1999 Year End Awards

Morgan Williams & "Steppin on Heir"

Erin Brooke and "I'm Ruler's Peppermint"

Horse Pictures

