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After I'm saved then what??


(1) Repent daily for whether it's accidentally or intentional, we all sin daily, but God will help us to walk more holy as we get closer to Him, but we will never be perfect--but Jesus's blood will forgive every sin! Just confess that you sinned to God, ask Him to forgive you by Jesus's shed blood, and believe that he did! It's that simple!

(2) Pray as often as you can!!! At the very LEAST- once a day.

(3) Read God's Holy Bible (Preferably the King James Version as the primary source of reading. However even I refer to simpler versions at times to help my understanding of the scripture--but my primary source is KJV). The Holy Bible is God's written word written by men but inspired by GOD. God tells you everything you could ever need to know in the Holy Bible. If you want to get closer to God and to know more about Him and His Son, read and study the Bible.

(4) Attend a church where the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached and where your soul is spiritually fed. Attending church brings you closer to God, keeps you spiritually growing, and is honored by God.

As you continue reading the Bible and praying daily and begin attending church weekly you will grow spiritually and will become closer to God. If you Love God then you will do these things to know more about Him and to experience His presence and power in greater ways. The Bible says" All things work together for the good of those who love God". Even during hard times you can be assured that God is in control and that somewhere down the road you'll realize that it did indeed workout in your best interest.

PLEASE GIVE MORE TIME TO GOD! God gives us 168 hours a week every single week! How many of those are we spending towards Him in prayer, Bible Reading, Attending Church, etc?

Please give more time to God. He loves you so much more than anyone else anywhere ever has--and He watches every second of every day--just hoping and praying that YOU will just talk to Him.

I'd love to hear your comments or questions just EMAIL ME by clicking on the mailbox below.

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