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What's new?

Monday may 31

- My utilities page is up and running. I spent alot of time on this page so go there now!!! I hope you like that page and ohh yeah if you want any other utility to be up there just e-mail me and i'll try to put it up there as fast as i can.

Saturday, may 29

- My utilities page is coming along good... if I'm lucky ill have it up by the end of today...


Saturday, may29

- Finally got the mp3 page up i suggest you go look at that page a.s.a.p. because as soon as you enter that page you will find the mp3 you are looking for.

- I just started my utilities page will i hope i could put up the

best software on the net.

Friday, may28

-I just updated the games page. it didn't take that long so I'll go and start my Mp3's pages. I encourage you to go see the games page but as of now it doesn't have much in it but trust me that page will grow...

on my mp3 page i will have all the top songs that i think are good but like before requests are accepted. Once you request the file I'll try to find it as soon as i can and put it up on the mp3 page.

Any who come back later for more updates and on a completely off topic the leafs will dominate the sabers...



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Mustafa Saricam
Date Last Modified: 5/25/99