Fred's Page of Cool Stuff

Hi. I guess I should start off telling you, I am not Fred. However, Fred says hi. He is the purple hippo who sits on my left shoulder. I guess he is kind of my hallucination of my conscience. He helps me out and occasionally makes cynical remarks which cause me to yell at him and people look at us like we're crazy. Or at least me. Very few people can see Fred, but he's not imaginary. You just have to know him before you can see him. As you can imagine, this is very hard. This usually upsets Fred. Whenever he (or I) get upset, he takes off (he can fly) and starts flying very, very fast in circles around my head. I can assure you, this is very annoying.

About me and Fred.

Fred and I like nature and animals (among other things) and one of our goals in this site will be to cure you of animalaphobia. We also don't like "proper" English (Latin is much better), so there are a whole lot of grammar errors in here. Too bad for you, huh? However, if you do find any obvious spellng errors like that one there, please notify us. Oh, yeah, I should probably tell you, the ()s are what Fred (that's meeee!) says. Any way, we like astrology, astronomy, rocks (our collection is worth $$$$$, its NOT geeky) and other random things which we have made pages for. Although Fred and I are Roman Catholic and attend church every Sunday and Holy days, we are interested in Wicca (no, we do not worship the devil) and will probably say some stuff about that too. Well, NE ways, we hope u have fun checking out our page.

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Other Fred Pages

Fred's Animal Page
The Explanation of Fred Page
Fred's Page of Funny Stuff
Lulu the Dancing Cow's Homepage: The Official Biscuit Site
Fred's Page for the Easily Amused and Extremely Bored
Fred's Highly Recommended Books
Fred's Star Wars Page
Fred's Wicca Page
Fred's Page of the Random Thingy