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History of the Church

Ebenezer Church is over a century old, and is the third structure built on the site. Originally a one room building, it was heated by a large wood stove, and lit by oil lamps and candles. The windows had no glass or screens, but wooden shutters that were opened or closed depending on the season. The alter and pulpit were built by the late Manning Snow, from wood cut from his own property. In the early days, the church was ministered by circuit riding preachers who traveled by horseback from one small church to another. When the pews were filled to capacity inside, folks would pull their buggies up to the windows, and listen to the sermon from outside. As there are not many recorded facts about Ebenezer, its history relies on verbal accounts. One recorded item notes that a preacher named Rev. Thomas Hutchings bought 300 acres in Greenville County in 1819, and built the area's first textile mill. Hutchings land abutted William Moon's land. It is believed Hutchings was preaching to the textile workers and others in the area. Hutchings and William Moon joined together to establish "Moon's Landing Meeting Place" during 1821-1827. Until a church was built, worship services were held under a tree on the banks of the Rocky Creek. In 1853, two acres of land were given to the church by William Bates and Phillip Lester. The old cemetery on church grounds, dates back to the late 1700's.

For some interesting Methodist history, try a search through the John Rylands University Library of Manchester:
Methodist Archives & Research Center

Spotlight on our Members

Ebenezer is extremely proud of Bobby Duncan, the grandson of Geneva and Robert Jordan. Bobby has recently graduated from the Police Academy in Columbia, South Carolina and has been hired by the Spartanburg County Sheriff's Department. We congratulate Bobby and send our best wishes to him in his new career.