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PO Box 5792, Greenville, South Carolina 29606

January, 1999 Newsletter

Next Meeting - The next meeting will be Monday, Jan 4, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. at Greenville Downtown Airport, in the meeting room. All are invited.

December Meeting – Approximately 20 regulars and a couple of new faces showed up. Good food , drink and conversation were everywhere. Thanks for the munchies (George?). I heard some news about new kits purchased and progress made on existing projects - maybe get an update at the January meeting!

Flying Tales -

Any other I learned about flying from that stories from the members would be appreciated, both for the lessons learned the cheap way and for their story value. Everyone who has attended a meeting knows how much we love a good hangar tale, and the smart pilots stay around to hear more of them.

NOTAM - FAA Aviation Safety Program at Greenville Tech. Resource Center (Library).

"Fuel Management and Fuel Starvation" on 26 Jan, '99 from 7:00 - 8:30 PM. Part of the Pilot Proficiency (WINGS) Program. Free to all. They usually give a good, informal presentation with lots of audience comments, Q&A, and ideas to help make us all better, safer pilots.

AGL (A Good Laugh) - In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed,

here are some true label instructions on consumer goods:


> On Sears hair dryer: Do not use while sleeping.


> On a bag of Fritos: You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.


> On a bar of Dial soap: Directions: Use like regular soap.


> Some Swanson frozen dinners: Serving suggestion: Defrost.


> On a hotel-provided shower cap in a box: Fits one head.


>On packaging for a Rowenta Iron: Do not iron clothes on body.

New Year's Resolutions: I resolve to

1. Fly more often and to make each a worthwhile flight, to challenge myself to do better.

2. Practice standard procedures as a habit builder, not just when they seem necessary.

3. Stretch myself on the ground, too. New studies, more thorough flight planning, some simulator time or start a new rating.

4. Introduce at least one new person to the wonders of flight, thru Young Eagles or on my own.

5. Write at least one letter to a government representative, letting them know that I fly and I vote.



Young Eagles Update - Jaguar Cars Inc. will provide scholarship credit points for each Young Eagle flown thru the year 1998 and these points will be refundable to offset the costs of attending the EAA Air Academy summer programs in Oshkosh, WI. Packets will be mailed out soon to participants; if you don't have a particular youngster in mind, the credits may be turned in to EAA for use by other participants. These summer Academy sessions teach air safety, construction, aeronautical engineering and practices to hundreds of interested children - tomorrow's pilots!

Departing the Pattern - Steve Paul of this chapter recently sent me a letter telling about his retirement and move to the Santa Rosa, CA area. He joined the 124 chapter which is active with the CAFÉ testing group that publishes homebuilt aircraft performance testing in the EAA magazine. They are also Young Eagle active, and his tally continues to climb. He sends his best wishes to all members and included a sharp photo of N6675M after the Horton Aviation, Darlington paint job. Blue skies and severe clear for another good pilot. We got a kick out of his stories about the new Hong Kong airport and his oriental flying times.

Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held in the front conference room located in the main terminal building of the Greenville Downtown Airport, Cornerstone Aviation, 100 Tower Drive, first Monday of every month at 7:30 PM. The Chapter 249 Newsletter of the Experimental Aircraft Association is a monthly publication and is distributed to all members in good standing of Chapter 249. Any articles, items, stories, etc., contained within are not to be interpreted as 100% factual. Reproduction and use of material printed in this publication is approved and encouraged, and permission of EAA Chapter 249 is not required unless stated otherwise. Kindly cite the source as the Chapter 249 Newsletter. Articles published herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Chapter, the editor, membership, or officers. The deadline for items to be published is Monday following the monthly meeting. All copy and other materials should be mailed to the Newsletter Editor at 115 Greenbrier Dr., Simpsonville, SC 29680 or Emailed to





P.O. BOX 5792