Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
August 20, 1998

 Jesus said: "Dear one, please take My words of love.
Thank you for your trust. You will never regret following My
Father's Will in all things. The past is forgotten until the
previous second, when you live in the present moment with
Me!  Free your heart again and again of each new burden, each
new event that is sent by the enemy to bog you down, tie your
heart in knots!  You are a warrior that We count on for many
journeys and events that will seem to be risks; but will be
protected, in actuality, by My Father Himself and all the power
of the Godhead.  Do not be alarmed to accept any invitation, as
We are with you and will determine your every move in the
Divine Will of the Father.

These days are full of intrigue throughout the world. Events of
today have opened many eyes to a new reality, when these eyes
and minds thought they already knew it all, had seen everything!

The American people ought to be alerted to the need for
increased prayer simply because of escalating events. Terrorists
are people without decency, without the normal rational means
of making decisions.

No one can equate any of the present events in the world with
events of the past. It is a world of intrigue at every level of
government in this country, but especially of your leaders.  It is
with sadness, I know, that people view each reckless action of
your President.  It will not only result in disasters, but has been
calculated and planned to do so!

The world cannot wait any longer, dearest child of Mine, to be
'convinced' of the truth of Our words of warning. Simple,
practical assessment of what is being promised by irresponsible
terrorists and others must alert people to imminent danger.

Do you still believe this messenger to be deluded, My people?
Please listen further:

Tomorrow there will be a terrorist attack that will again destroy
buildings and murder great numbers. I am not boasting to you,
people of God. I am calling you to attention.

Do not waste time with questions or details. Please allow all
My words of warning that are followed by fulfillment of My
words to move you to immediate action and preparation and

If you do not continue to argue; if you do not continue to attack
and imply falsehood on the part of My messengers, you will be
given the opportunity to repent and renew your lives.

If you continue to seek opportunities to discredit My faithful
ones who serve My Mother and Myself, you will find
yourselves in a situation that is the same as that of which you
accuse others!  My Word says, "...judge not, lest you be
judged!"  ( Matt. 71)  This is a LAST warning and mention
from Heaven about all the outrages brought against these
servants of Mine.

Each one determines the future path they trod by making
choices to obey or disobey. It is up to you; and I call you ALL
to repent and begin again in humble docility.

Be reconciled with your God and with each other NOW, dear
ones.  The time is gone from your scheduled opportunities.
You have used up all your options, delays, or tickets to ride on
My wings of Mercy!  There is no more time for games and

Worry not about what others do; look at your OWN behavior
and weep!  Beg forgiveness now, My people, and follow My
directions with complete obedience. I only wish to save you
from harm and from hurting yourselves!  These are words of
Love to all who listen.

Do you need to see destruction right before your eyes to be
convinced?  It may well be that this will be done!  It may well
be that you are not fully prepared to continue to serve Me!
Only I know your hearts and I tell you, REPENT! RENEW!
Remain in My arms, in My shadow.  Be protected by all the
grace and warnings you are being given.

Receive My Love. Receive all of Who I Am!

Daughter, you have done well. Please pray this night and
continue to offer each event, each prayer for conversion and
Mercy for the world.

I am your Jesus, Who worships My Father and Our Spirit from
within the Triune Godhead.  My Mother sends you her gratitude
and reminder of her presence with many thousands of Angels
and prayers at every second."