MESSAGE TO CAROL AMECHE - December 13, 2000

December 13, 2000 ~ Message to the Wednesday night prayer group

My dearest little ones:

I bring greetings once again from all in heaven. I am your Jesus, My
children. I have looked forward eagerly to this time of visitation that I
might tell you once again of My great love and gratitude for each of you,
for the love that grows and grows in your hearts. How much each of you
desires to please Me, to please your Triune God and your Holy Mother and
Mine. How precious you have become to me, more than you will ever imagine.
How close we are; more perfect instruments you are becoming every day, My
dear ones, believe this. You fill heaven with joy with your constancy and
your fidelity.

The Father counts on you so very much and you are fulfilling His desires so
very much, also, My children. You are My children; you are my beloved ones
on whom I count. You are perfect examples of the instruments We will need in
the days ahead. There are going to be events of destruction, My children,
very soon. I know you have heard these words before, but pray as though it
were the first time. For each time something is mentioned to you, you are
truly that much closer to the event; and truly Our faithful ones everywhere
are coming to an understanding because of events in this country and in the
world. How very much closer all of you come to events you have been warned
about all of these years. More prayer is needed, My children. You can do
this! You can remain in more silence, spending more time with Me. It is your
future I discuss, My children. It is the future of the world I speak of; it
is My Father's Will, I present.

There will be wonderful gifts for you, My little ones, and all who come here
to pray, who remain faithful, whose hearts are open, so open to Me, to My
Mother and yours. Many gifts will be given for this great season, this
celebration of My birth that you prepare for. Your hearts will be the Manger
in which My Mother will lay My tiny form. This will gift you beyond anything
you have known, My people. My people everywhere who hear these words, focus
on these words, on this possibility, for you have grown to this point, to
this level of receiving very, very precious gifts. It is My Father you must
once again give your gratitude and praise to. You are special to My heart,
to the Father's heart, to the Spirit. All of His gifts shower upon you now,
believe this. You will feel these gifts. You will feel My presence in a
very, very powerful way come Christmas morning. Expect miracles, My
children. Expect to live more closely now with the Communion of Saints
within this group, within the body of Christ of Mine, of which I am the
Head. There is so much, so much evil, My people. Heaven weeps as this part
of the Fathers plan develops. As He allows Satans plans to develop, to grow
and to gain power. It must be, My little ones. How We pray for you; for all
of your hearts that still experience ridicule and hurts; people turning
away, fewer than ever who have patience and understanding to wait while all
the while everyone should be praising and thanking My Father for every
delay. My dear ones, each of you is weary throughout this time, this special
time of preparation for My feast, My birthday. Stay close to Me, My
children. Stay close to My Mother that she might give you this gift, this
presence of the newborn King, as you have never experienced it before. Look
forward to every gift that is mentioned, every promise, every event. For as
each one occurs, we move on, My children, to the day of My return, to the
day of the defeat of evil. Oh My dear ones, how I long for that day; long
for that time with me. Pray the Father will hasten this day.

Look not for new answers or new messages, My children. Look to Me, to My
Face, to My love, My perfection, My beauty. Think not of your own weakness
or your inabilities. Count on Me, My children. You have Me, My children, I
will never let you go. My love for you is complete. Your love for Me is
growing and growing. Is it not wonderful, My little ones, to feel My love,
to love Me, to have your heart cleansed and renewed and softened; made
gentle and tender, just like My Mothers? Thank you, thank you, thank you My
dear, dear, dear children, My precious ones, for all of your prayers, your
love, your faithfulness to Me. From now on, My Children, we dig in; we
prepare more for certain battle.

Satan's plan has been defeated in your election, but not forever, or by
much; and he will be allowed to go forward and every word I have told you
all these years will be fulfilled. Live in joy, children, live in the joy
and the certainty of My love, My promises, your certain victory.

I love you, each of you beyond words. Listen closely for you will hear the
voices of many angels singing hosannas and praises for each of you. Be
filled, My dear ones, with My peace. Be filled with love, children, and
rejoice once again. Amen, My dear, dear ones everywhere in the world, amen.

Carol Ameche

A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

"We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world. Without Your
Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us, Father, and
forgive us, we pray. Amen."