MESSAGE TO CAROL AMECHE - October 25, 2000

Message to the Ameche Wednesday night prayer group  thru Carol on Oct.
25th, 2000.

   Dearest ones,

           I am  the Holy Spirit of God.  I greet you this night joyfully,
children.  Thank you for gathering in the name of Jesus to honor My beloved
spouse, the Immaculate one, Mary, your mother.  I come to ask you several
things, My children.  First, it is necessary to be conscious of dear Mary's
presence with you at every moment now.  Events in the world speak to
developing difficulties, warlike aggression, suffering; and you will need
the  strength of her presence.  You will need to hold her hand.  You will
need to  be purified, calmed, sanctified, blessed as only she can do; as
only the  influence she can be for your needs in the coming days.

           The future of the world, my children, hangs in balance.  So many
more  could be praying; so many, many more are not.  Heaven calls out to all
who  listen everywhere in the world to pray, to beg for mercy, to beg that
the  Father will stay the hand of those who would destroy shrines, holy
places,  sacred places, little ones, places you have longed to see
yourselves; places  that give honor to the life of Jesus that remind you of
all he suffered for  you, of all His love. You recreate these days in your
own lives, My dear  ones, and as you are living faithfully, you too are
shrines of Jesus' life  and death, as you suffer for Him and die to yourself
and your selfishness and  live for the Father, His Will, which was all that
Jesus ever wanted, ever  desired, ever lived.  Think of this and praise the
Father, little ones,  little ones who are tall in love, in service, great in
the eyes of God and  all of Heaven.  How you are loved, supported by the
prayers of all in Heaven.   How close they are to each of you everywhere who

           Dear Children of God, rejoice once again.  The Father desires to
share more of His power with you, to give more power to your prayers to
enable Him, with your prayers, to defend sacred places, to defend life in
all  of its forms, as you do pray, as you do desire, as your Father desires.
My  dear ones, as you pray, unite these prayers to (those of) everyone else
in  the world.  A mighty united prayer must go up to the Father.  There is
so  little unity in the world today.  Show Him in this way there is unity in
your  hearts: unity of purpose, unity of hope, unity of desire, unity of
your work,  your prayerful work, your work at prayer.

           My dearest ones, I also tell you to be on guard more than ever,
for  the evil one roars and he is like a lion who is very hungry.  Do not be
afraid of My words.  By now you know these are loving words of warning.
When  you were little and you crossed a busy street, someone always said ,
Be  careful, watch for cars.  It is the same today, My dear ones. Heaven
knows  what could happen to you.  Heaven desires to protect you.  Allow us
to do  that.  Help us in that way too, My dear ones, and recall how closely
you are  living the Father's will now; how closely you are living to all of
those in  Heaven.  Realize that this is part of your new way of life, the
new creation  that you are becoming and rejoice.

           My dear ones, all will be well as you listen to all of Our words
and  directives and are obedient to them.  This is all it takes, children,
dear  beloved ones of the Heart of God.  I pour out upon you now, all of My
gifts,  strengthening you, giving you more courage, all of the ability to
surrender  and to suffer (if that is necessary), freely, gladly, joyfully
for the whole  world, for souls, My dear people, for souls.

           Enjoy new wisdom this night, dear ones, new understanding in the
days  ahead, increased knowledge, fortitude; all the things you need to
become a  stronger, more loyal soldier, fighter, warrior.  Be at peace dear,
dear  people of the world.  Let your prayers fight for peace.

           Amen, dear ones, amen.  You are loved; you are loved, amen.

     Carol Ameche

A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

"We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world. Without Your
Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us, Father, and
forgive us, we pray. Amen."


via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action In our lives and in
the world. Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people back to You
In love and remorse and repentance. Allow Your Justice, guided by Your
Mercy, To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows not Your Love and
power. Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us up in Your Mercy and
forgiveness. You are Our God and Our Creator, Our Savior and Our Sanctifier.
We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and answer us. Amen.