10/16/99, 2:45 a.m.

Jesus said:  "Child of My Heart, be at peace and sleep well until you
come to receive Me in My Eucharist.

You are correct in your perception, daughter, that all the information
We have given to you is and will be most acceptable to those who are
balanced in their understanding of My return.  Only time and study and
fulfillment will convince those who think they have all the answers!
Pray for the intellectuals who lord it over all with their
only-acceptable-interpretation of the future."

(Just then I was aware of the house beginning to sway and shake!  I
realized it was a real earthquake and just sat in the kitchen and
watched the floor move, heard the house creak and the wind chimes
outside begin to clang until the moving of the house and floor stopped!
I was amazed, since this was a  first in my own experience!)  All got
very quiet again and Jesus said:  "Child, this sign, given by My Father,
points to the imminence of a very large quake that will more than shake
your homes in this area!!  You are prepared here and will not see
destruction to this house!  Aren't you grateful that protection is
promised you, daughter?  Do not be fearful for a moment!  Remember what
you always tell Our people: 'Heaven has everything planned and a plan
for everyone!'

Let us return now to Our recent theme.  The plans of My Father are
evident in so many places in this world.  Those who reject and ridicule
the events of weather as signs of My Father's displeasure will learn
quickly and be humbled by Him!  The bitter words all of you must
experience are necessary as an instrument of healing for the hard hearts
and heads that make noises reflecting the emptiness inside them!  A
brief, silent thank you to My Father along with the words, 'Be healed in
the Name of Jesus,' are all the response necessary from anyone.  Be
happy for the opportunity to join your humiliation to Mine as a further
means of unity with all of Who I Am.

Please know, beloved faithful ones, that YOU WILL PERSEVERE and REMAIN
FAITHFUL, IF YOU DESIRE THAT!  It is always your personal choice that
will determine your future, no matter how often you feel the temptation
to weaken and walk away.  Simply cast out that temptation, again in My
Name, and continue about your industry or prayer of the moment.  Expect
to be tempted, fiercely at times, throughout the time until I return;
ATTACK BY THE EVIL ONE! Thank My Father for these gifts and the grace to
believe in these words, My dear, dear loved ones.

Be at peace about everything, people of My Heart.  Deal with each event
in the power of My Name.  Do not be confounded or confused, but continue
on in confidence and trust.  As you do this more and more often, your
confidence will grow and overcome any tendency toward doubt or fear of
the power and strength of Satan and his demons.  You will see them
overcome by My Power that has been given to you for these serious and
sometimes perilous events and occurrences.  You WILL be able to do these
things to protect yourselves and others!  They will be weakened by a
lifetime of sin and ease, as many of you once were.  They will also gain
confidence in Our words and promises, as they see and hear the power of
Heaven coming through all Our remnant holy ones. You WILL be holy ones,
My precious people, more every day.  Please look forward to these times
of grace and extraordinary gift.  Believe in all I am telling you, dear
little soldiers, and be filled with joy and eagerness for these days to

I bless all of you who read and hear and believe these words.  Pray
mightily for each other, people of God, and that as many as possible
will accept the graces and opportunities to change and come to the
Father as His beloved children and heirs of  Heaven.  It is your choice,
My people.  Will you accept it?"


 A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

 "We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world.  Without
Your Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us,
Father, and  forgive us, we pray. Amen."


via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action In our lives
and in the world. Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people
back to You In love and remorse and repentance. Allow Your Justice,
guided by Your Mercy, To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows
not Your Love and power. Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us
up in Your Mercy and forgiveness. You are Our God and Our Creator, Our
Savior and Our Sanctifier. We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and
answer us. Amen.