MESSAGE FROM CAROL AMECHE - September 22, 1999
9/22/99   At Adoration

Jesus said:  "Dearest little warrior, please pray to Our Spirit for
openness and healing.  .......Now child, let us begin.

 When My people are submerged in self glory, self pity, self abuse, or
self absorption, there is no room for another.  Least of all, is there
room for My Spirit even to enter into this closed fortress of 'Self''.

 Picture a castle, surrounded by a moat filled with savage crocodiles,
waiting to tear apart anyone who would dare to attempt to cross this
barrier.  Picture cold and forbidding walls with few tiny openings for
light or air.  'See' the inside of this edifice: cold and dark and evil

 This is what so many of Our people in the world are like today.
Nothing can penetrate these defenses.  Nothing about this fortified city
welcomes a traveler or visitor.  Nothing of warmth or welcome graces its
facade or invites one to come in.

 The Triune God waits outside the battlements of many such cities,
knocking, begging, calling out to be allowed entrance.  Only silence
greets Our plea.  Only indifference meets the needs of anyone passing
by, especially the need of God, Himself for a response, an invitation, a
welcome, a gesture of hospitality, an offer of rest and refreshment, a
shelter from the storm outside!  The interior darkness of this edifice
is such that it seeps through every crack and crevice, every porous area
of stone upon stone.  Not long is the time anyone can spend in the
presence of such negative rejection!  Not long is the ability of
darkness to encourage life to remain, to be maintained, nourished,
protected.  And so, One moves on to other castles, other mansions, other
houses, other shelters.

 As a building becomes more simple in design, more doors are already
open behind welcome mats adorned with flowers in cheery colors.  There
are many windows in these smaller and simpler designs allowing abundant
light to enter, often open to the warmth of a soothing breeze.  Gentle
music, even singing, is heard wafting above the sounds of daily industry
and reflecting the joy within.  One is instantly drawn to this temple of
peace, and encouraged to seek comfort and nourishment by its cheery

 These are My Remnant who are filled with the peace and joy of My
Presence; the knowledge of My Love and Friendship; the trust in My
promises, My help and consolation; the acceptance of My burden and yoke'
who carry My Cross and theirs.

 The Triune God, Our holy Mother and yours, Our people in great need of
Life and the essentials of life, hurry to these cottages of caring
concern, those lit by the spark of Life that shines from deep within and
the individual offers of refuge and safety.

 These houses are built of sturdy materials that have withstood the test
of time.  All are care worn, but burnished and polished by storm and
heat, violent acts of Nature, predators and every challenge imaginable,
threats of fire and floods and wind and the devastating effects of age.
Ailing areas have been rebuilt: torn down, replaced with stronger stuff,
renewed with many and varying coats of protective finish.  One feels at
home here, and filled with the knowledge of a ready niche already carved
out and waiting for each visitor, no matter how poor or how lofty.

 It is possible, as each of Our dear ones knows, to be simple and
unobtrusive, yet mighty; humble in appearance, yet strong in
construction; able to sway with the changes of time and season, yet
built on a firm foundation.  What sort of structure are you, My beloved

 I am your Jesus of Love and Mercy.  I am a Master Builder Who wishes to
come into your house to rebuild and shore up, replace or renew,
rearrange and realign, refurbish and restructure.  I cannot enter a
highly fortified and well-defended castle!  I INVITE YOU TO CONSIDER A

 If you will allow Me, I will arrange for a trial visit at no expense to
you!!  There are so  many benefits to this new lifestyle and transformed
neighborhood!  I can be found at any time on any day!  I await your
interest and encourage your call!"

Carol Ameche

 A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

 "We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world.  Without
Your Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us,
Father, and  forgive us, we pray. Amen."


via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action In our lives
and in the world. Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people
back to You In love and remorse and repentance. Allow Your Justice,
guided by Your Mercy, To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows
not Your Love and power. Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us
up in Your Mercy and forgiveness. You are Our God and Our Creator, Our
Savior and Our Sanctifier. We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and
answer us. Amen.

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