MESSAGE TO CAROL AMECHE - September 13, 2000
September 13, 2000

Message to the Wednesday night prayer group

My dear children:

      I am your mother, little ones, gathering you into my mantle this
night,  as a mother hen gathers her chicks at the end of a long day.  She
takes them  under her wings, my children, to protect them from the wolf, any
predator,  that lurks ready to cause harm, ready to cause death, ready to
disrupt the  quite and the order of the little house.  Oh my dear ones,
there are  predators; there are wolves who lurk.

      I tell you this night a matter of great importance, my children, that
all of you who are faithful to me must let go now of all your irritations.
Bring to my Son all of those people, all of those things, who distract you;
who irritate you; who cause you inner turmoil.  I have told you, my little
ones in the past, with great love, let no one and nothing disrupt your
peace.   If you are doing this now my children, it is because you are giving
in to  something within yourselves that must be purified.  Only peace can
reign, my  little ones.  Only a focus on my Son is the answer to every
turmoil.  There  will be so much turmoil, my dear little ones, that you must
allow me to save  you from, to protect your from, to guide you.

      I shoo you into my mantle as that mother hen shoos her baby chicks for
you are my little ones.  You are my precious little ones.  I have promised
and my Son has promised to protect you from harm.  But you, my children,
must  allow this.  You must bring all of your distractions to the Sacrament
that  you might be purified even more, again and again, my dear ones.  Old
habits  are difficult to relinquish.  They have a hold of you my children,
but you  are holding on to them, also.  I ask you to think about this in the
coming  days.  Ask my spouse, the dear, dear Holy Spirit of God, to show you
once  again what you cling to, to comfort yourself; to serve yourself; to
give  yourself a feeling of being unloved, of being rejected.

       It is now time, my children, when you must drop everything but the
weapons you have received from heaven: my rosary, adoration and silence
before my beloved Son; unity with the peace you must accept.  It is the time
just before battle, my children.  Yes there are weeks; time still to change
more, to let go of the world,  to accept all of the peace my Son wishes to
give you, to fill you, to strengthen you.  It is up to you, my little ones.
Each one of you has an area that you cling to; areas of unforgiveness; areas
of resentment; areas that need the light of my Son to shine upon to bring
you  to the light, His light, my children.  These are more gifts to you to
prepare  you, to render you the finest of fighting weapons that we might
fight  together in this great battle that looms ahead.

      On my children,  allow me to protect you.  Allow my to strengthen you
with my gentleness, with the openness to all who will come to you by opening
to all who are here now.  If you cannot be open to those you pray with
everyday, how can you be open to strangers who will be very, very difficult.
You will see, my children, what a struggle this will be and you will need
all  the grace, all of the cleansing, all of the purification that will
render you  this supreme instrument of the Fathers Mercy.

       I love you my children.  There are no words to convey my feelings for
you, my gratitude for you, my joy.  You fill my heart, my dear ones.  How
precious you are to me.  Come closer yet.  Allow your heavenly Mother to
prepare you in these last times, these last days, the final and finishing
touches on your soul and your heart and your spirit, my children.  Be free,
my little ones.  Be joyful in spite of sadness, in spite of hurt and
humiliation.  Be free of this my children and be filled with joy.  You will
see how joy will transform you that you might transform others from sorrow
to  joy.  I love you my little ones.  I love you.  Amen my children.  I'm
right  here with you, always.  Call to me.  I wish to help you.  You need my
help,  all of you, everywhere.  I love you.

Carol Ameche


 A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

 "We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world.  Without Your
Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us, Father, and
forgive us, we pray. Amen."


via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action In our lives and in
the world. Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people back to You
In love and remorse and repentance. Allow Your Justice, guided by Your
Mercy, To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows not Your Love and
power. Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us up in Your Mercy and
forgiveness. You are Our God and Our Creator, Our Savior and Our Sanctifier.
We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and answer us. Amen.