8/11/99  At Adoration  Jesus said:

"Child, please take My words of love and encouragement.  My Father sends
greetings to you, daughter!  He is most pleased with you, and bids you
be of good cheer and high expectations.

You see the immediate danger to the world, dearest one, and are further
convinced of the degree of danger that now threatens your country and
the world.  In all probability, the advent of martial law will occur
very shortly because of computer malfunction and the chaos this will

The enemy can most profitably use those who consider themselves experts
and faithful to the cause of Heaven.  These do much damage through ego
judgements and proud, critical statements.  Worry not, My precious one,
what man thinks.  Listen to My words of love and acceptance of all who
love and serve Me to the best of their ability.  I will protect you with
Truth and the Power of My Spirit, and also all who listen to and believe
these words given by Heaven to Our faithful messengers.

Our words will always contain the promise of protection and forgiveness
and love and mercy to those who come seeking these gifts.  Nothing can
stand in the way of My Father's Mercy for those who are sincerely
repentant.  Fear not the words of bullies that threaten and frighten My
lambs.  "A bruised reed I will not break" (Isaiah 42: 3), My faithful
remnant.  Come close to Me now and never leave Me again, even for a

The danger is too great now to chance an encounter with the world
without My Presence to sustain you.  I LOVE YOU, MY BELOVED PEOPLE, AND
WISH TO SAVE YOU FROM HARM; but you must come to My arms and remain
locked in My embrace no matter what anyone else thinks or does or says!!

IT IS YOU I LOVE AND YOU I WISH TO SAVE!  Be the one who comes now with
your heart in your hands, offering it to Me along with ALL of who you
are.  Come immediately and confess your sins.  Come now and spend the
rest of time and beyond as close to Me as you will allow Me to bring

Hear My voice calling to you, roaring above the thunder and the sound of
cascading events!!  Respond with all your strength and conviction, My
dear little lost ones.  Wander no longer in confusion.  Be no longer
fooled by Satan's empty promises.  Be  one with My desires for you and
your safety, your salvation.

Do not waste another minute arguing and wondering and refuting these
words of warning I give you.  If you truly care about your place in
Eternity, surrender to all We are requesting of you, everything that is
required of one who fights in My Mother's Army of faithful ones!

Are these repetitious words, My dear ones?  You say you have heard these
before?  Then why have you not acted upon all the directives of Heaven
given these MANY months?  Why do you prefer to sit and stew in your own
resistance to my Father's Perfect Will that allows mitigation and delays
in order to give you as much time as possible??

I call to you for not much longer, My people, for soon it will be too
late, and devastating tribulations will rock the serenity of this land
wherever you are!  Please, My beloved ones, prepare for the time of
nuclear destruction that is most certainly in your future.  Prepare and
gather the belongings and supplies you will need to sustain you for a
short period of time away from your homes, in a place of protection from
radiation fallout.

Do you doubt My words, children?  Do you doubt this messenger?

Can you afford the luxury of avoiding words that warn of the effects of
radiation and your own demise?

Do you no longer recognize loving words given to save you from terrible
suffering, My own loved ones?

Does not a loving Father always call out to His children with words
designed to save them from harm?

Follow Our instructions, people of God.  Listen to Our pleas.

I am your Jesus of Love and Mercy, and I am begging you once again to
open your minds and hearts to believe in the advent of terrible danger
lurking around tomorrow's corner!  HEAR ME, MY PEOPLE, AND LIVE!

Thank you, My loved one, for taking these very important words for Our
people.  We will visit again later.  I love you, daughter.  You are the
one I have waited for; the one I will put at My side, riding into battle
to conquer evil.  Be at peace, little mighty one!"

 A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

 "We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world.  Without
Your Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us,
Father, and  forgive us, we pray. Amen."


via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action In our lives
and in the world. Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people
back to You In love and remorse and repentance. Allow Your Justice,
guided by Your Mercy, To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows
not Your Love and power. Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us
up in Your Mercy and forgiveness. You are Our God and Our Creator, Our
Savior and Our Sanctifier. We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and
answer us. Amen.