Message (external locution from Carol Ameche) to the Wednesday night prayer
group at her home.

Dearest Children,

    I am your Holy and Immaculate Mother, and I praise the Father for
allowing me to be with you again this night to speak, to share my love; and
to mention again how all of Heaven prays for you, sends you love,  sends you
strength, my children, gives you support, intercedes with the Holy Spirit
that your gifts might be increased.  Each time they are increased, my
children, you are that much more prepared, much stronger,  much more eager
to serve.  If you have not noticed this, my dear ones, I tell you it is
true.  We in Heaven have noticed, my dear ones.  How joyful, how much
celebration,  how great the chanting in the praises to the Father for all of
you; how much the gratitude of all in Heaven is raised to the Father, for
you are each a little miracle, my dear ones!

When you answered my call, you were not quite as prayerful as you are now.
You were not quite as docile.  Your hearts were not listening then as they
are now.  I mention these things, my children, to encourage you, to help you
to remember and notice how much you have changed.  There will be many

   Change is a word that people reject.  It is a word that tends to frighten
many.  It is about control,  my children. Those who ridicule the messages
about the Father's plan to change the earth, to change His people, to purify
them, to cleanse them, do not realize that it is fear speaking through them.
They reveal themselves, my dear ones, as fearful people.  And fear is not of
my Son.  I have always told you this and now you are telling others.  You
are able to teach them as I have taught you.  You are able to soften hearts
that do listen, that do respond to the Holy Spirit, my Spouse, as you
responded to my love in my heart.  How it has changed you.  Believe, my dear
ones, that you will help to change them.  And you will receive all the help
you need from the Holy Spirit,  my Spouse.

    Reflect with me, children, in the days ahead, for summer is winding down
and you will see a change in seasons.  Always, nothing is the same; always,
everything is new whether for good or for evil, my children.  There has been
enough evil. There has been enough destruction.  The Father has just begun
to display His anger and His rejection of the murder in the hearts of so
many of His people, His children.

    Oh my dear ones, stay close to me.  Stay close to each other.  We need
each other, my children.  I love you and I know you love me.  Thank you, my
dear ones, for loving me.  Nothing could bring more joy to my heart and the
Heart of my Son.  Be at peace every moment, my children.  How well you have
learned to handle adversity, humiliation, obstacles that you overcome with
ease now.  Truly, you are model soldiers, my dear ones.  Rejoice, my
children, rejoice in peace.  Praise and thank the Father for all of this.

 Amen, my dear ones, amen.

 Some people have asked if these words are only for this prayer group. I
think a message like this is for everyone, and of course, often words like,
"and all who pray," or "all our faithful ones" are included in the message
body.  When a message seems to be specifically for the one group, it is
still shared since it always contains words of encouragement, and some 'how
to' phrases, and the wonderful loving appreciation for all her children who
are faithful. Everyone can learn and benefit from any words from Heaven, and
in my understanding, Heaven is not exclusive with its love and patience and
mercy. These messages are never shared in order to boast, but to just plain
share the joy of Mary's presence and as a motive to pray more and live in
the ways She suggests.

Carol Ameche

 A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

 "We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world.  Without Your
Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us, Father, and
forgive us, we pray. Amen."


via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action In our lives and in
the world. Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people back to You
In love and remorse and repentance. Allow Your Justice, guided by Your
Mercy, To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows not Your Love and
power. Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us up in Your Mercy and
forgiveness. You are Our God and Our Creator, Our Savior and Our Sanctifier.
We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and answer us. Amen.