8/3/00  Our Loving Father said: "My dearest one, please write My words
given for your protection and comfort. These are special days of rest,
daughter. I am your Lord and your God, speaking by means of a special gift
for you and all My faithful people.

The summer days hurry to a close of the season when young ones will return
to school. The carefree routine of sunshine and sand, games and camps, days
filled with play and exercises, leave them with renewed vigor, renewed
anticipation of yet another year full of challenges and choices and
decisions. This freedom of choice and lifestyle is about to change, My
little messenger. The time given to nothing but whatever sounds like the
best way to have fun and frolic will not be available again until the return
of My Son.

More and more you will see freedoms removed as the Antichrist displays his
power through new laws and restrictions and requirements. All of you will
know and recognize immediately what has occurred, as changes are enacted,
and freedom of travel and movement is surrounded by certain restrictions
which render you unable to comply with new circumstances that require
special passes or cards, and finally the implantation of a chip in each
person in the world who desires to continue life in the 'world.'

My faithful ones, you have been repeatedly warned of the need to prepare for
a time of danger and great change in your lives. THAT TIME IS HERE. If you
have allowed delays to turn you away; if the absence of fulfillment of your
own expectations have caused you to  become more critical of those who
deliver the words of your Triune God and Holy Mother; if you have not
remained faithful to the requests of Heaven, but have turned away in disgust
and joined the hardened hearts of the world once again, you are NOT PREPARED
OR STRENGTHENED to the degree that will bring you through this time of
struggle and grief. You will not have the grace needed to walk away from the
offers of an easier way to 'get along,' to be part of the great progress
offered by government leaders.

You look for a message without struggle, without pain, without difficulty or
discomfort on your part. How could this be, when My Own Son lived a life of
poverty and struggle and hard work and rejection? Life on this earth with
all its comforts and gold and possessions is not the way of My Beloved Jesus
Whom you profess to follow. Those who are truly following Him are
experiencing inner turmoil, challenges of every kind, increase of
temptations and the lure of the enticements of the 'world.'

If you have not developed a loving relationship with your God and Mary, the
Immaculate One; if fear has been your motive for prayer and you have not
allowed this fear to be replaced by increased trust; if you have not
accepted the cleansing fire of Our Spirit, the love of Jesus and the graces
and virtues of dear Mary, you are not in the frame of mind and spirit to
love Us to the point of total surrender to My Will for you, My plan for the
salvation of the entire world; of the obedience required of a soldier in the
Army of Mary Immaculate. Unless a total consecration is made daily to the
Two Hearts and a dedication and devotion to live all the requests of Heaven
given by the holy Virgin, you cannot survive all that is about to occur in
the world by order of the New World Order governments everywhere.

I watch your behavior, hear your words, see your disdain with a great
sadness. I see the annihilation of brother by brother that has reached the
millions, and the coldness of hearts dedicated to ruling the world without
their God and Creator. Man has always been impudent and proud, but never to
this degree of hatred of decent values that escalates minute by minute. You,
who think your are prepared for anything, will be horrified at the evil that
is about to erupt and flow like molten lava destroying everything in its

My people, get over your judgementalism and critical attacks based on
suppositions and false data. Allow Me to continue to be the Lord and Master
and Life Giver Who sustains your very existence.

Think, My beloved ones. Stop, look, listen to the mayhem that grows and
roars in every corner of the earth! Pay attention to all the signs that are
being given, prophecies being fulfilled, lives being discarded and weather
anomalies wreaking havoc and fire in your own country.

I speak with sorrow to you who have had every opportunity to be prepared for
what arrives. When you say: 'we've heard that one before,' and laugh off new
warnings, a new call for conversion in your hearts, it is yourself you are
destroying, not My faithful messengers who seek only to be obedient to the
request to deliver the words of Heaven.

Do not turn away now, My dear, spoiled children. Do not 'give up' on your
God and His plans, but remember those who follow My Son will suffer as He
did, as a servant of the needs of others, pouring yourselves out as He did
and does for you.  Believe that My words are designed to protect you, to
stop you from destructive behavior, to share My gifts and power with you in
a time unlike any other in your history.

People of the earth have become more and more rebellious throughout the
ages. The amount of evil in the entire world defies My Will for your good at
every turn; demands My response to purify you quickly and in a way that is
best for each of you. Your very rejection of delays, meant to strengthen and
cleanse you, is a sign of the times, a sign of the great need you have of
ongoing conversion and rescue from the strong clutches of Satan. Nothing is
impossible or unknown to Me, and I tell you, each development or what you
see as lack of development, has been designed to expose the anger, the
haughty attitudes, the  lack of humility and obedient nature present in most
of My people.

Listen to Truth, My beloved ones. Remain faithful to a routine of prayer and
reflection, quiet time before My gift of Beloved and Obedient and Hidden
Jesus Present in the Blessed Sacrament of your Altar. There is no other way
to reach Heaven, but to live in the constant Presence of Jesus and Mary and
the many Angels I have given to the truly faithful ones who hear these words
and live My plan for your salvation. Scripture, once again I remind you,
must be fulfilled; and this requires the power of Satan in your world to
reach the present level.

Sin is the result of so many giving in to self gratification in a life of
greed and lust for power and possessions. You must look into your hearts, My
dear people, and see with the help of the Holy Spirit, and through the eyes
Mary, the coldness that creeps into every corner, as you allow doubt and
fear and ridicule to rebuild walls of defense against the warmth and healing
power of My Son's love for you.

Of course, it is difficult to persevere!  It is only possible for your God
to persevere in love for you when you turn away, when your behavior creates
an atmosphere (in which) only the love of God could continue to give mercy;
to continue to offer another chance to be forgiven, to be cleansed and be
transformed into the likeness of Jesus, My Beloved Son.

I offer you Life on My terms, My dear ones! Will you continue to reject My
Perfect Will for you personally and collectively? My terms are filled with
offers of love, healing, peace and protection and the promise of an Eternity
in Paradise. Won't you accept My terms and discover the peace and joy and
trust that will allow you to rise above the earthly struggle to live and
serve in the protection of My arms, of My Kingdom now?

Pray to My Spirit that you can accept these words, My beloved ones
everywhere. Do not listen to the disdain of the evil one. Listen to Truth,
and live! I bless you, My beloved ones. Accept My gifts, My words, My love."

Carol Ameche

 A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

 "We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world.  Without Your
Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us, Father, and
forgive us, we pray. Amen."


via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action In our lives and in
the world. Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people back to You
In love and remorse and repentance. Allow Your Justice, guided by Your
Mercy, To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows not Your Love and
power. Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us up in Your Mercy and
forgiveness. You are Our God and Our Creator, Our Savior and Our Sanctifier.
We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and answer us. Amen.