7/12/99, In Maryland.

Our Lady said:  "Dear child, the time is late, and I, your Mother, wish
to speak many words to Our people.  The events that will occur during
the immediate days will show you the fulfillment of so many of Our words
to you, child.  These are designed to convince the world, more than
ever, that Our words of warning are true.

Daughter, you must only pray. Do not spend any time on the phone, except
for absolute necessities. This will allow you to pray for the world,
that many will believe in these words you share.  Constant prayer,
silence and much fasting is required on your part.  Please invite and
allow all those who pray for you to accompany every prayer, every minute
of Adoration, and much lifting of your mind and heart to God.  Please do
nothing but answer these requests.  Do not disbelieve for one moment the
things I am telling you!  Thank you for your faithful care for the
people here.  More are healed and will discover this very soon. I, your
Mother of Divine Mercy, bless you with the peace of My Son.

Yes, little one, the sky darkens, the clouds gather, and I come to give
you words of new warning.  First, please tell all Our faithful ones, who
continue to listen and act on the words of Heaven, of Our great love and
gratitude for all of them.

In the coming days, little children, you will begin to see the signs in
the sky I have mentioned for so long.  These will be mysterious to all,
even your scientists. These are meant to focus the attention of the
world for the time when words of warning will be delivered to this
country and then to the world.  The Father will take care of every
detail of this most important of all the missions of Our messengers.

Please tell Our people that they must pay strict attention to the
requests given by Heaven now for a completion of all their plans to
gather provisions for the time of departure from their homes to a place
of safety from nuclear destruction and natural events.

I am asking you, My people, to rise above all the negative thoughts and
feelings and reactions that still accompany the last time We requested
this preparedness for a nuclear attack, that was then delayed!

A strong and trusting soldier in my Army must be flexible and completely
surrendered to the Father's Will, and any changes or delays it may
contain.  This may seem too much to be asked of you, too much for the
Father to expect from you but I tell you, it is not!! Nor is this the
first time so much was required of Our people whom the Father's Will has
saved, has led, has carried.

The Israelites wandered forty years in the desert under the harshest
conditions before Yahweh's promises were fulfilled with a land flowing
with milk and honey.  You will not follow Heaven's directions for nearly
as long a time or in conditions nearly as harsh.  But you must be
willing to accept events given by the Father's hand in His Way and
according to His desires for you.

This trust, this obedience is cleansing you, my precious children.  It
is emptying you of your self will, your stubbornness, your self
gratification.  You are being turned into strong and faithful soldiers
who follow their Supreme Commander wherever He would lead them.  Believe
also, my dear dear ones, that this level of training is necessary if you
are to survive and persevere through all the events of the future.

You will be the strong ones on whom all will depend, to whom all will
look for help and guidance, in whom all will seek peace, from whom all
will expect answers and understanding, by whom all will request

Do you really believe in all of Our words and promises, dearest of my
heart?  Do you wish to follow the call of your Mother, so that you may
lead when others call to you?  Do you wish to remain and serve God's
people and help them return to their Creator?  Do you care about the
salvation of the world, my sweet ones?  Do you desire you own salvation
and a life of splendor and sublime happiness for all Eternity?  If your
answer is yes, my lambs, then you are invited to be prepared to leave
your homes at any moment and flee from a nuclear attack on this country
resulting in never-before-seen and experienced levels of destruction
here and in the world.

You know what to do, my children. Act swiftly, all the while giving
praise and thanksgiving to the Father for words of warning, designed to
save as many people in the world as possible. The events of this very
week, this very day (13th, at this point) should convince you of the
truth and seriousness of my words.

Be merciful on yourselves and your God.  Listen and prepare that you may
depart immediately.  You are loved, you are needed, you are blessed and
gifted and able to answer my requests! Expect miracles to convince you,
to strengthen you, to save you, my people.

Thank you for taking these words meant to move so many into action. I
love you, little one. I am pouring myself out before Our Father's Throne
that His Will for you may be enacted."

 A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

 "We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world.  Without
Your Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us,
Father, and  forgive us, we pray. Amen."


via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action In our lives
and in the world. Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people
back to You In love and remorse and repentance. Allow Your Justice,
guided by Your Mercy, To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows
not Your Love and power. Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us
up in Your Mercy and forgiveness. You are Our God and Our Creator, Our
Savior and Our Sanctifier. We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and
answer us. Amen.