Scottsdale, Arizona USA
May 30, 1999

       Jesus said: "Dear child, know that I Love you. Be at peace.
Be strengthened by My Love for you. Be filled with the strength
of My Presence with you at all times.

Everywhere people wait for Our promises to begin to be
fulfilled. Join Me, little spouse, in praying to the Father for
Mercy on all who suffer the world over, either from war or
abuse or hunger or loneliness and betrayal by those who should
be caring for them.

Evil has the power to intimidate, to frighten, to coerce, to bully,
to force Our poor helpless ones into submission. The only
surrender you are to consider, My people, is the resignation of
your will to all the plans and requests of Heaven.

My Father looks out for your best interests, and will decide the
time of your service on Earth and the time of your departure to
Heaven. This can be agreed to by each of you and cooperated
with now, as you wait peacefully and prayerfully for His perfect
Will to be accomplished.

Only My Father knows what is best for you, dearest ones of My
Heart. Please, DO NOT FEAR. Do not see all the words of
Myself and Our Mother as fear-filled tools of Satan. They are
given by your Lord for your peace and preparation and

What could be more Fatherly than a total sharing of His plans
to save you either here, or by taking you to Heaven? What more
can He do after all Our words of explanation to increase your
understanding, to give you directives that will allow for your
safety? Is this not the action of a loving and protective Parent,
My beloved? Yes, My people, it IS!

Please praise and thank Him with Me now for all His gifts of
grace and knowledge that are turning those who accept them
into strong soldiers, ready to help defeat Satan and the
Anti-Christ and all their followers, alongside My Mother and

Begin to give more praise to the Father now, My people, for all
that will be allowed in order to fulfill all of scripture until the
time of My Return.

Praise and thank Him for your place in His plan and the grand
opportunity to serve Him directly and through His poor lost
ones who will come to you for help.

Praise Him for His Mercy and forgiveness that have nothing to
do with your worthiness, but everything to do with His Love
and desire to save as many as will accept Him for all eternity.

Praise Him, dear ones, for His loyalty in spite of your infidelity,
and the opportunity to return to Him before it is too late, and
the Anti-Christ and Satan turn this world into total darkness.

Praise Him for the Light of Christ, and accept It into your
hearts for all to see in the darkness.

Praise Him for choosing you to be alive at the most important
time of this particular century in union with My Mother's
appearances and words of warning at Fatima.

Praise and thank Him for showing you Truth in the Great
Warning that is nearly upon you.

Praise and thank, love and adore Him, your Creator and Lord,
Who calls you into His Eternal, Loving Embrace.

I thank you, once again, daughter, for your fidelity to taking
these words. Continue to wait in peace and hope."

      via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20,

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action
In our lives and in the world.
Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people back to
In love and remorse and repentance.

Allow Your Justice, guided by Your Mercy,
To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows not Your
Love and power.
Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us up in Your
Mercy and forgiveness.

You are Our God and Our Creator, Our Savior and Our
We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and answer us.