Scottsdale, Arizona USA
May 24, 1999

       Jesus said: "Child of My love, please write. It is My joy today to fill
you with increased love for Me, which you desire. Do not be discouraged
for a moment, My littlest Warrior. You fulfill all the Father's desires as
you sit here and adore.

The world will tremble in many ways. It will shudder at the ferocity of the
elements, and as it beholds the ferocity of the evil with which man deals
with man,--others who are poor and weak, helpless, and pawns of power
displays between nations.

Your own country continues to be aggressive, in the name of honor, to
destroy unprotected ones, people who are dependent on the kindness of
others. You will see even greater atrocities visited upon the helpless
victims of war. The world will gasp in horror at actions of government
that are then explained away with empty and callous words.

More and more, the decency and honor that once marked your own
country will be noticeable to all by its ABSENCE, from the attacks of
nations united, who move quickly now to send ground troops into areas of
the world filled with danger and intrigue.

In the peace of your prayers, My loved ones of the world, send that peace
and comfort to your family of the world who suffer the agony of
displacement and disease, aloneness and abandonment. Soothe them with
your compassion for their sad plight, and your prayerful hopes and
concerns for their future.

Unite yourselves and the comfort you enjoy, with them in their distress.
Ease their suffering with your love. Bind their wounded hearts and minds
with words of caring, and words of MY Love and care for them!

LET ALL YOUR TIME NOW, that is not spent on needed tasks and care
for you immediate families, be spent in prayer and reflection, in sending
nurturing thoughts and words of healing to the waiting, suffering world.
There is so MUCH, there are so MANY to pray for, who will benefit
directly and immediately. Believe in these opportunities, My people, and
act in haste to alleviate the discomfort and fears of people everywhere.

A brother carries his sick or wounded brother. A sister ministers in joy and
delight to her ailing and sorrowful sister.

Reach OUT, My beloved, faithful ones, with your wealth of money, of
goods, of love and time! Give of yourselves more now, please My
children, in honor and joyful service. Pray more for each other and the
conversion of family and dear friends. You will never stop being
converted, being molded and remolded, becoming all of who you are
created to be in God's Image. These are the ways you cooperate, you say
'yes,' at each moment of your day to the transformation by My Father into
another Christ. It is healing you, this transformation!

You are becoming instruments of peace and healing for others as you
accept peace and healing yourselves! In this mode, in this environment of
Mercy, My dear ones, you are prepared for any action of My Father in your
lives and in the world.

Be at peace, My beloved Warriors. Fear NOTHING. Be on guard against
the Evil that surrounds My faithful ones everywhere, waiting to trip you
up. In this prayerful way of living, you are as protected and renewed,
cleansed and purified as it is possible for you to be.

Welcome this new opportunity for sanctity, My dearest people. Run to My
Presence in silence and joy. Soon, you will see and feel the unity with the
world that will alleviate suffering and bring My poor children back to Me

The heart has no bounds, My people. Embrace everyone in the world, your
brothers and sisters in Me. Bring them to MY Heart first, and consecrate
them to the Triune God.

Send words and thoughts of mercy everywhere. Pour out My Love and
Peace and Mercy EVERYWHERE you go.

Your help is requested, once again, My faithful and beloved ones. YOUR

I send you My Love and renewed strength for the prayerful tasks in the
days ahead. Be filled with JOY!

I am Jesus, your Beloved Lord."

      via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action
In our lives and in the world.
Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people back to You
In love and remorse and repentance.

Allow Your Justice, guided by Your Mercy,
To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows not Your Love and
Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us up in Your Mercy and

You are Our God and Our Creator, Our Savior and Our Sanctifier.
We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and answer us.    Amen.