Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
April 14, 1999

       Jesus said: "Dear loved one, I, your Jesus of Love and
Mercy, speak with joy to your heart. Know that all is so very
well for you, dearest daughter. Daughter, take these words now
meant for the world.


As you see aggression indeed escalate in every place of war,
you know that Our words to you are being fulfilled. I call you
to bravery, My dear ones, in being obedient to the call for
increased prayer and adoration, to continued fasting and

The end of the Lenten season does NOT signify a return to a
more casual approach to the requests of Heaven and My
Mother's words all over the world. A good soldier continues
the discipline and behavior necessary to maintain a high level of
fitness and the ability to enter combat at any moment. Since the
Enemy is relentless in his attacks on each of you, it is obvious
that you are already in a continuous-battle mode.

Your hearts and minds, My dear faithful ones, are a joy to
behold. Your state of preparedness is accompanied by the
prayers and loving support of your loved ones in Heaven and all
the angels and saints.

Be convinced, My people, that the reign of the Anti-Christ has
been shortened by the Mercy of Our Father, Who has responded
greatly to your prayers and pleadings. More Mitigation and
Mercy will always be possible, and that is why you must remain
faithful and prayerful and trusting, no matter WHAT you see
and experience.

No matter what, you MUST endure! Be assured of the Victory
of My Father over Evil and sin.

Remind each other of the promises you have been given.
Continue to expect protection and grace throughout the entire
time before My Return.

I am your Jesus of Mercy, and I tell you, dear ones, My Heart
has been filled with gratitude and rejoicing at the number of
you who celebrated the feast of My Mercy with increased love
and devotion. You will see in Heaven EACH result of your
efforts, as you now begin another year of Mercy with cleansed
hearts and souls, free of the residue of past sins.

Begin this very minute as a NEW creation, My beloved ones,
washed clean and ready to fight the ongoing battle against the
Evil One, who lies in wait, plotting your fall, your destruction,
as well as that of the entire world. He is more than ever filled
with hatred towards those who remain faithful, wrapped in the
Mantle of Mary, our Mother, and the Mercy of God! You will
win every battle, My people, when you remain clothed in this
Heavenly armor and protection

Persevere and remain faithful to your family of the world, who
suffer cold and hunger, disease and displacement, at the
growing aggression of Satan and his followers. The many who
will continue to enter Eternity will immediately begin praying
for the conversion of their loved ones and for all of you who
are praying now for all of them! THIS IS THE LAW OF
RECIPROCAL GRACE, My dear ones. Many are being
touched and healed by the action of your love and concern.
Have the greatest faith in all Our promises, and never waiver
from this trust and resolve.

The empty words of your government will be underlined again,
as ground troops are suddenly the ‘only possible solution' for a
brutal treatment of innocent ones by leaders who have agreed to
the present plan and pattern of each development.

Be at peace, My dearest loved ones. Receive all the grace and
healing you need for a faith-filled
and peaceful journey into the Two Hearts and the Perfect Will
of Our Father.

You are LOVED, My dear ones!"

      via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20,

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action
In our lives and in the world.
Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people back to
In love and remorse and repentance.

Allow Your Justice, guided by Your Mercy,
To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows not Your
Love and power.
Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us up in Your
Mercy and forgiveness.

You are Our God and Our Creator, Our Savior and Our
We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and answer us.