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07/14/93 - Brixton Academy: London, England [105m]
Attendance: 6,426
Sound Quality: A

1 Release
2 Even Flow [song stopped then restarted]
3 Blood
4 Animal
5 Why Go
6 Deep
7 Jeremy
8 Rearviewmirror
9 Beast of Burden/(Suck You Dry)
10 Alive
11 Black
12 Go
13 Daughter/(W.M.A.)
14 Porch/(Tearing)
15 Once
16 Garden
17 Blues Jam/State of Love and Trust
18 Leash
19 Fuckin' Up
20 Sonic Reducer
21 Indifference

Notes - The second song of the show, Even Flow, is stopped because of a fan who fell at the front of the crowd and was being trampled. Eddie, obviously in an altered state of mind, tries to convince the crowd to take ten steps backwards, mumbling the numbers one to ten as the crowd moves. When all is well Even Flow is picked up where they left off. Great show.
