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A short informations on the supernatural characters in L.J.Smith's books.


In European folklore, a werewolf is a man who at night transforms himself or is transformed into a wolf (a process called lycanthropy) and roams in search of human victims to devour. The werewolf must return to human form at daybreak by shedding his wolf's skin and hiding it. If it is found and destroyed, the werewolf dies. A werewolf who is wounded immediately reverts to his human form and can be detected by the corresponding wound on his body. Similar creatures exist in folklore worldwide: the tiger, boar, hyena, and even cat are were-animals in areas where wolves are not found.

Bibliography: Noll, R., Vampires, Werewolves, and Demons (1992).

Nightworld="Witchlight" and "Black Dawn",Raksha Keller[panther],Azheda[dragon],Galen Drache[leopard] the Drache family, and Miles Neely [falcon]are shapshifters not werewolves though.


Parapsychology is the study of the ability of the mind to perform psychic acts. Psychic phenomena, as the term is applied to the human mind, generally fall into two broad categories: extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis.

ESP is the ability to acquire information without the benefit of the senses. It is generally divided into two subcategories: telepathy, the perception of someone else's thoughts, and clairvoyance, or remote perception, the sensing of an object or event out of range of the senses.

Psychokinesis is defined as the ability to move or alter animate or inanimate matter by thought alone. Most scientists outside of the parapsychological field do not accept the existence of psychic phenomena.

Dark Visions=Gabriel Wolfe [telepathy],Kaitlyn Fairchild [remote viewing],Rob Kessler [healing power],Anna Whiteraven [use her mind to talk to animals],Lewis Chalo [psychokinesis] and others[not all] at the Institute are psychics.


In folklore, a vampire is a malign spirit that refuses to join the ranks of the dead but instead takes possession of a body in order to continue enjoying the pleasures of the living. Western notions of the vampire come primarily from Slavic folklore, especially as it was interpreted by the author Bram Stoker in his novel Dracula (1897). In some isolated regions of eastern Europe, peasants still hang wreaths of garlic over their doors--a preventive measure cited in Dracula--as protection against evil spirits, but many other adjuncts of Stoker's tale may have been his own invention.

Bibliography: Carter, Margaret L., and Scholes, Robert, eds., The Vampire in Literature: A Critical Bibliography (1989); Masters, Anthony, The Natural History of the Vampire (1972); Ryan, Alan, The Penguin Book of Vampire Stories (1988).

The Vampire Diaries=Stefan and Damon Salvatores,Elena Gilbert ,Nightworld="Secret Vampire","Daughter Of Darkness","Soulmate", "Huntress", and "Black Dawn",Ash Redfern,Prince Delos Redfern,Jez Redfern,Hunter Redfern,Morgead and others are vampires.