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Cushman Scott Children's Center

Toddler Program

The Toddler Program has been organized to provide care for nine children aged 18 months to 2.9 years. There is opportunity every day for all the toddlers to interact with the three year olds from the adjacent room, especially in the early mornings and late afternoons.
One of our main goals is to help each toddler develop a positive self-image and some degree of independence and self help. The toddler room has been designed to create a sercure and warm environment so as to encourage each child to move about freely and explore. Most of the materials are arranged on low shelves so that the children can select their own activities.
At this age the children are acquiring language rapidly, and we strive to reinforce this growth. Some of the ways we do this are by encouraging the toddlers to express themselves verbally both to adults and other children, reading books with them, and expressing in words the actions and activities that are going on in the room.
The toddler room is arranged so that most of the activities are child-choice. There is one short structured group activity daily, such as art, cooking, music, movement, etc. We do incorporate the Reggio Approach in the classroom in a way appropriate to the age of the children. We follow their interests, and often themes arise and are focused on for a time, such as "cows" or "babies". (more text...need more room on this page)
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