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Cushman Scott Children's Center

Preschool Program

Our preschool program is housed in two classrooms - The North Room and the Upstairs Room. Traditionally, the North Room serves three year olds, and the Upstairs Room serves children ages four and five. This can change, however, depending on the demographics of the preschool population in our community. There are times when we will combine these ages and have a multi-aged group of children ages three -to-five in one or both of the classrooms. Therefore, the ways in which each classroom is configured will vary year to year. Both classrooms draw upon similar teaching practices and theories.

The program is designed to meet the wide developmental range of intellectual, social/emotional and physical ability which children in this group present. For this reason, all learning experiences will offer a challenge to every child, stretching and challenging them in ways which are appropriate to their level of ability. Further, we endeavor to create learning experiences which are of particular interest to the children, believing that a child's best motivation for learning and experiencing challenges is their own interest.

Our program uses Vivian Paley's Storytelling program, the Reggio Approach, and the Whole Language approach to promote early literacy. For more information on these practices, please return to the homepage.

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