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Up-coming Events

June 5 Carmina Burana
Camerata and Cantabile join in the Canberra Choral Society’s performance of Carmina Burana.

June 12 - 14 Faure Requiem
Camerata and Cantabile join together with the Canberra Youth Orchestra and other choirs to perform this wonderful concert in memoriam of Meredith Mackay conducted by Max McBride.

June 20 Duntroon Graduation
Cantabile and Camerata sing at the Graduation Ceremony at the Duntroon chapel.

September 25 Canberra Youth Choral Festival
The Canberra Youth singers host the 2nd Canberra Youth Choral Festival. Choirs from around Canberra join during the day to partake in workshops followed by an evening concert that will end with all choirs joining to form a massed choir.

For more information about these events call 6258 5446