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It's a pic of me!

This site is heavily 'insonified'!

To get the best from it you will need to have the Beatnik Plug-In from Headspace.

Get it here.....

This is a very easy procedure. Download the plug-in, install it and enable Java on your browser then prepare for a new slant on the web.

Just in case you are easily scared - this is me above and in my abiding conceit this site is ALL about me coz it is MINE!  All Mine!  Heeheeheeheeheeeee!  Cackle-cackle!
This could be your last chance to escape.

Still here?  OK!  Anything that happens to you from now on is all your own fault!

So, first off, why are you here?  Did you just surf in by chance or is this a deliberate visit?
If it is a chance thing then you are welcome to poke around and see if anything interests you.  Everything here is free to take away.  Nothing is nailed down.  That is the basic nature of the web and I love it.  One of the last places in the world where you can do what you want, say what you want and just create your own little space.  (Well, up to a point anyhow!  This is not any kind of restriction for a person with a normally developed sense of decency.)
If you have come here by design I assume that you have a reason for being here that will be helped by the following site directory.

Either way round, you are welcome here.  Stay as long as you wish.   I do have a guest book so please take some time to make an entry. E-mail would be great too! I answer all the e-mail that I get but, due to the nature of my work, not necessarily quickly.

The NETWORD for this site is 'allanrm'

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