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A-200 Fantasy Golf

Results Updated 10/25/05, Roster changes highlighted in red

Previous Results
2002 Roster Hold-overs and Draft
2003 Results
Free Agent Moves and Trades
Final 2003 Standings
2002 Weekly Articles
2004 Results
2005 Results
Twins Video
New Twins Video (11/19/05)

DiMarco Models the Poteat Cup


Past Champions

1998 Ken Millett

1999 Steven Ellis

2000 Steven Ellis

2001 Steven Ellis

2002 Steven Ellis

2003 Chris Umberger

2004 Chris Umberger

The A-200 Fantasy Golf League began in the Winter of 1998 as the brain child of the brillant soon to be commissioner Jack Russell. He collected four other brave souls from his freshmen hall and the inaugural season was begun. The first draft was an awkard lengthy affair done by email and telephone over the holidays. Each man selected 14 players and each week selected 4 PGA players, 2 Senior players, and 2 LPGA players to count towards his team total. At the end of the season proudly stood Ken Millett, becoming the first to etch his name in the prestigous and yet to be purchased Poteat Cup. Since those primative days several changes have been made. Expansion, elimaination of the weekly lineup, more free agent moves and a live action draft have brought the league in the modern era, making it easier to follow for the casual fan.
