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Come to the edge, Life said.
We are Afraid.
Come to the edge, Life said.
They came.
It pushed them
they flew...

Guillaume Apollinaire - 1870-1918

The word Witch actually comes from the old Anglo-Saxon word of Wicce. It denotes a wise one, a priestess, one who can work with forces that are not seen by the common eye. Wicce are the harbingers of the sacred songs, the ones versed in the healing knowledge of herbs, the teachers of lore. Our ways have been passed down through the generations. Although forced into hiding in the burning times the ways of the Wicce have survived and are once again being spoken of in the light of day. The Wicce, and other earth based religions, realize that the majick comes from within and to find oneself is to find the Goddess.

Come in peace.
Where the light of knowledge shines evil must falter.

Table of Contents      

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A Continuing Prayer Circle For Derek.  Derek began his walk with The Goddess on Wednesday, August 26,1998 at 11:50 p.m. PDT at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford. Please join our prayer circle where we will formally introduce our respective gods to our brother Derek, and to pray for those of us left behind.

Book of Shadows  A Book of Shadows is simply a journal where Wiccans/Pagans keep their rituals, spells, and recipes. Many of mine have evolved from my energy work. Some have grown from basic rituals, and some are adaptations from other Grimoires. You learn to use what is comfortable for you. Never let anyone tell you that you have to do something to be a true practitioner! It is not always a matter of what you want, but what is needed.

Keep in mind one thing, you should make your space secure before you begin any ritual or meditations. Ridding the surrounding area of negativity will help you focus and work with your inner self. I have included a few of my rituals here. Use what you will, change what you want, and always follow your own path.

Goddess Graphics Updated!  Goddess Graphics for your site. Buttons and Graphics for you to use on your pages.

 Recommended Readings. (Coming Soon)

  Beautiful sounds. Most are midi's (.mid) some are wave's (.wav). Some of the waves are Goddess music. Enjoy.

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Derek's Memorial Page

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Merry Meet and Merry Part, Until We Meet Again.