De Engelse Bulldog

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*Schofthoogte: wordt niet gemeten.

*Shoulder hight: is not measured.

*Kleur: geel, gestroomd, wit en eventueel bont van kleur. Zwart of zwarte vlekken is officieel niet toegestaan.

*Color: Yellow, streamed, white or even multicoloured. Black or black spots are officially not allowed.

*Streefgewicht: volwassen reu 23-25 kg. teef 20-22 kg.

*Targetweight: full grown male 23-25 kg. Female 20-22 kg.

*Een bulldog moet gladharig, kort gebouwd, en sterk zijn.

*The bulldog must be smooth haired, short and strong.

*Een bulldog moet tamelijk laag van bouw zijn, zeer breed van voren en beduidend smaller van achteren.

*The bulldog must be low-rise, very broad at the front and slim at the back-part.

*De kop moet opvallend zwaar en breed zijn in verhouding tot de grootte van de hond.

*The head should be heavy and broad compared with the size of the dog.

*De snuit van een bulldog moet bijzonder kort zijn en de onderkaak steekt voor de bovenkaak uit en is rond gebogen.

*The snout should be short and the lower jaw must be in front of the upper jaw and must be round.

*Een bulldog is een ondervoorbijter.

*The bulldog should have an underbite.

*Een bulldog moet de indruk van vastberadenheid, kracht en behendigheid geven.

*The bulldog must look determined, powerfull and dexterous.

*De bulldog bezit een buitengewoon goedig karakter, is zeer gesteld op mensen en bijzonder dol op kinderen.

*The bulldog also has an extraordinary good caracter, is very fond of people and likes children very much.

*Een bulldog kan ook prima overweg met andere huisdieren als deze deel uitmaken van het gezin.

*The bulldog is very social with other pets when they are part of his home.

*Een bulldog is geen overdadige blaffer doch wel een hond die waakt over huis en hof. Het is een echte huishond.

*Een bulldog is vaak erg eigenwijs

*A bulldog is often very stubborn

*Een bulldog kan enorm snurken en winden laten.

*A bulldog can snore extensively and isn't shy in breaking wind.

*Een bulldog is geen overmatige blaffer, maar bewaakt wel zijn huis en goed

*The bulldog is not an extreme barker but does guard the house and his owners.

*Een bulldog is een speciale hond met speciale behoeftes, is niet bestand tegen extreme kou of warmte en heeft veel verzorging nodig.

*The bulldog is a very special breed with special needs, he/she can not take excessive cold or heat and they need a lot of cleaning (wrinkles)and attention.

> Here is a revue of the standards stated by The Bulldog Club of America!

*General Appearance

The perfect Bulldog must be of medium size and smooth coat; with heavy, thickset, low-swung body, massive short-faced head, wide shoulders and sturdy limbs. The general appearance and attitude should suggest great stability, vigor and strength. The disposition should be equitable and kind, resolute and courageous (not vicious or aggressive), and demeanor should be pacific and dignified. These attributes should be countenanced by the expression and behavoir.

*Size, Proportion, Symmetry


The size for mature dogs is about 50 pounds; for mature bitches about 40 pounds.


The circumference of the skull in front of the ears should measure at least the height of the dog at the shoulders.


The "points" should be well distributed and bear good relation one to the other, no feature being in such prominence from either excess or lack of quality that the animal appears deformed or ill-proportioned.

*Influence of Sex

In comparison of specimens of different sex, due allowance should be made in favor of the bitches, which do not bear the characteristics of the breed to the same degree of perfection and grandeur as do the dogs.


Eyes and eyelids

The eyes, seen from the front, should be situated low down in the skull, as far from the ears as possible, and their corners should be in a straight line at right angles with the stop. Thet should be quite in front of the head, as wide apart as possible, provided their outer corners are within the outline of the cheeks when viewed from the front. They should be quite round in form, of moderate size, neither sunken nor bulging and in color should be very dark. The lids should cover the white of the eyeball, when the dog is looking directly forward, and the lid should show no "haw".


The ears should be set high in the head, the front inner edge of each ear joining the outline of the skull at the top back corner of skull, so as to place them as wide apart, and as high, and as far from the eyes as possible. In size they should be small and thin. The shape termed "rose-ear" is the most desireable. The rose ear folds inward at its back lower edge, the upper front edge curving over, outward and backward, showing part of the inside of the burr. (The ears should not be carried erect or prick-eared or buttoned and should never be cropped).


The skull should be very large, and in circumference, in front of the ears, should measure at least the height of the dog at the shoulders. Viewed from the front, it should appear very high from the corner of the lower jaw to the apex of the skull, and also very broad and square. Viewed at the side, the head should appear very high, and very short from the point of the nose to occiput. The forehead should be flat (not rounded or domed), neither too prominent not overhanging the face.


The cheeks should be well-rounded, protrouding sideways and outward beyond the eyes.


The temples or frontal bones should be very well defined, broad, square and high, causing a hollow or grove between the eyes. This indentation, or stop, should be both broad and deep and extend up the middle of the forehead, dividing the head vertically, being traceable to the top of the skull.

Face and muzzle

The face, measured from the front of the cheekbone to the tip of the nose, should be extremely short, the muzzle being very short, broad, turned upward and very deep from the corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth.


The nose should be large, broad and black, its tip set back deeply between the eyes. The distance from bottom of stop, between the eyes, to the tip of the nose should be as short as possible and not exceed the length from the tip of nose to the edge of underlip. The nostrils should be wide, large and black, with a well-defined line between them. Any nose other than black is objectionable and a brown or liver-colored nose shall disqualify.


The chops or "flews" should be thick, broad, pendant and very deep, completely overhanging the lower jaw at each side. They join the underlip in front and almost or quite cover the teeth, which should be scarcely noticeable when the mouth is closed.


The jaws should be massive, very broad, square and "undershot", the lower jaw projecting considerably in front of the upper jaw and turning up.


The teeth should be large and strong, with the canine teeth or tusks wide apart, and the six small teeth in front, between the canines, in an even, level row.

*Neck, Topline, Body


The neck should be short, very thick, deep and strong and well arched at the back.


There should be a slight fall in the back, close behind the shoulders (its lowest part), whence the spine should rise to the loins (the top of which should be higher than the top of the shoulders), thence curving again more suddenly to the tail, forming an arch (a very distinctive feature of the breed), termed "roach back" or, more correctly, "wheel back".


The brisket and body should be very capacious, with full sides, well rounded ribs and very deep from the shoulders down to its lowest part, where it joins the chest. It should be well-let-down bewteen the shoulders and forelegs, giving the dog a broad, low, short legged appearance.


The chest should be very broad, deep and full.


The body should be well-ribbed-up behind with the belly tucked up and not rotund.

*Back and Loin

The back should be short and strong, very broad at the shoulders and comparitively narrow at the loins.


The tail may be either straight or "screwed" (but never curved or curly), and in any case must be short, hung low, with decided downward carriage, thick root and fine tip. If straight, the tail should be cylindrical and of uniform taper. If "screwed", the bends or kinks should be well-defined, and they may be abrupt and even knotty, but no portion of the member should be elevated above the base or root.



Should be muscular, very heavy, widespread and slanting outward, giving stability and great power.


The forelegs should be short, very stout, straight and muscular, set wide apart, with well-developed calves, presenting a bowed outline, but the bones of the legs should not be curved or bandy, nor the feet brought too close together.


The elbows should be low and stand well out and loose from the body.


The feet should be moderate in size, compact and firmly set. Toes compact, well-split-up, with high knuckles and very short stubby nails. The front feet may be straight or slightly out-turned.



Hind legs should be strong and muscular and longer than forelegs, so as to elevate loins above shoulders. Hocks should be slightly bent and well-let-down, so as to give length and strength from loins to hock. Lower leg should be short, straight and strong, with stifles turned slightly outward and away from the body. Hocks are thereby made to approach each other, and the hind feet to turn outward.


Should be moderate in size, compact and firmly set. Toes compact, well-split-up, with high nuckles and short stubby nails. Hind feet should be pointed well-outward.

*Coat and Skin


Should be straight, short, flat, close, of fine texture, smooth and glossy. (No fringe, feather or curl).


The skin should be soft and loose, especially at the head, neck and shoulders. Wrinkles and dewlap

The head and face should be covered with heavy wrinkles, and at the throat, from jaw to chest, there should be two loose pendulous folds, forming the dewlap.

Color of Coat

The color of coat should be uniform, pure of its kind and brilliant.

The various colors found in the breed are to be preferred in the following order:

1. red brindle;

2. all other brindles;

3. solid white;

4. solid red, fawn or fallow;

5. piebald;

6. inferior qualities of all the foregoing.

Note: A perfect piebald is preferable to a muddy brindle or defective solid color. Solid black is very undesireable, but not so objectionable if occuring to a moderate degree in piebald patches. The brindles to be perfect should have a fine, even and equal distribution of the composite colors. In brindles and solid colors a small white patch on the chest is not considered detrimental. In piebalds the color patches should be well-defined, of pure color and symmetrically distributed.


The style and carriage are peculiar, his gait being a loose-jointed, shuffling, sidewise motion, giving the characteristic "roll". The action must be, however, be unrestrained, free and vigorous.


The disposition should be equable and kind, resolute and courageous (not vicious or aggressive), and demeanor should be pacific and dignified. These attributes should be countenanced by the expression and behavior.

Dit ras stamt af van de Molossers, de vechthond van de oude Griekse stam van de Molossi. De Old English Mastiff lijkt echter het meest op dit sterke ras. Wellicht hebben de Engelse Bulldog, de Old English Mastiff en de Boxer gemeenschappelijke voorouders. In Engeland was in het begin van de 19e eeuw het Bullebijten een geliefde sport, waarbij de Bulldog veelvuldig werd gebruikt. Hierbij werd de stier net zo lang bij zijn neus vastgehouden totdat hij ter aarde stortte. Na 1838, toen het bullebijten werd verboden ging Bill George door met de fok van de Engelse Bulldog en werd het een waardige en betrouwbare hond. De Engelse Bulldog Club was in 1875 de eerste hondenrasvereniging. De Engelse Bulldog heeft een handelbaar karakter en is dol op kinderen. Helaas worden Engelse Bulldoggen niet erg oud. Gebruik: Gezinshond, waakhond Activiteit: Dagelijkse flinke wandeling. Laat de hond echter zijn eigen tempo volgen. Ook als pup mag u de hond niet teveel vermoeien. Uit ervaring zal moeten blijken hoeveel de Engelse Bulldog aan kan. Beslist niet geschikt voor mensen die lange wandeltochten willen maken met de hond. Bij grote inspanning moet men oppassen, omdat de hond door de korte neus niet voldoende zuurstof krijgt. Verschijning: Algemeen: De Engelse Bulldog is een sterke hond, tamelijk laag gebouwd, breed en gedrongen. Het is erg breed van voren en smaller van achteren, met diepe brede en ronde borst, sterk gewelfde ribben. Roach back. De benen staan van voren iets uit elkaar en zijn tamelijk kort met zwaar bone. De achterbenen zijn in verhouding iets langer dan de voorbenen. De hals is kort en zwaar met veel keelhuid. Kleur: Eenkleurig met of zonder zwart masker, gestroomd; bont, rood in verschillende tinten, reekleurig, vaalrood, wit. Hoofd en schedel: De schedel moet zeer groot en vierkant zijn. Hoe groter hoe beter, omvang minstens gelijk aan de schofthoogte van de hond. Bijzonder korte snuit. Mond is breed, stomp en opwaarts gebogen. Huidplooien tussen neus en de diepe stop. De ogen zijn rond en zeer donker. Oren zijn klein en dunne roze-oren. Ondervoorbijter. Staart: Staart is laag aangezet, tamelijk recht aan het begin, daarna omlaag buigend. Rond en glad, zonder grofharige franje. Dik bij de wortel en snel in punt uitlopend. Voeten: Rond en gesloten, goed gebogen tenen, duidelijke, hoge knokkels. Voorvoeten moeten recht zijn en iets naar buiten gedraaid. Beharing: Fijn, kort, dicht en zacht. Gewicht: Reu: circa 25 kg, Teef: circa 22.5 kg. Aard: Moedig Zeer toegenegen Niet vechtlustig Schrander Goedgehumeurd Houdt van kinderen Dol op spelletjes

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"De Engelse Bulldog"/"The English Bulldog"