My Updated Ideal Man: 1. a sense of humor definite - likes comedy central, simpsons, saturday night live, other funny things. 2. does not have a girlfriend, wife or ex-wife, or kids, and does not still have feelings for an ex-girlfriend. 3. has a background in the punk scene, but doesn't have to be into it now (i'm not). good music taste is a definite must. 4. is 24-29 5. has tattoos, and no stupid ones. 6. gauged ears are sexy. 7. drinks but doesn't mind being w/o alcohol. 8. is sweet :) 9. has a job or is in school. 10. lives within a 2 hour radius 11. doesn't mind me being a computer nerd 12. height should be 5'9" to 6'2". 13. is silly 14. short hair is rad. i dig some long hair (NO longer than chin length) if it's done right. facial hair is also okay but has to be done right too. scruffy guys are sexy. 15. smoking is ok by me! (not necessarily tobacco) 16. loves animals! especially cats! (i have 3 cats and love dogs) 17. eats meat. no vegetarians! 18. is thinnish/little bit chunky. 19. thinks i'm pretty :) 20. must love bukowski. 21. is a big tipper. i am a bartender/waitress. i don't like cheap people! 22. somewhat educated...can spell things correctly, etc.