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Chapter 3

I woke the next morning looking at my clock.

"11:30? How could I sleep this late?" I said groggly as I sat up in my bed.

I hadn't heard anything else from Taylor. I hope he made it home safe.

I decided to take a shower then drive over to his house.

When I walked back into my room. My answering machine was blinking. I pressed play then sat down on my bed waiting for the voice.

"Gin, it's Tay. We got home late last night. I knew you would be alseep. Give me a call. Love you much." Then it 'beeped' and went off.

I reached over to the phone and diaed him back.

"Hello?" A soft woman's voice filled the phone.

"Mrs. Hanson, It's Ginette. May I speak with Taylor?" I asked

"Hi Ginette, why yes you can. Hold while I get him."

I smiled. "Sure thing."

Moments later Taylor's deep-listful voice sprung into my ears.

"Gin, Hey!!"

"Tay, I was in the shower when you called. I was about to come over. That is, if it's fine with your family?" I asked him.

"You know you can come over, mom doesn't mind."

"Ok, I'll be there in a few." I was too excited to wait.

"I love you Gin."

"I love you too, Tay. Bye"

"Bye." Then we hung up the phone.

I came down the stairs yelling. "Mom is it alright if I go to the Hanson's? Tay's home!" I looked at my mom. She knew I was in love. She had been through it years ago.

"I don't mind Ginette."

"Thanks Mom." Even though I am seventeen. I fill younger having to ask my mom permission to go places. But I always have had that respect for her.

I pulled into their drive.As I walked to the front porch I could hear Mackie and the other children playing in the backyard. Such sweet innocents.

I knocked on the door. Zac answered with a mouthful of chips.

"Wow, you act as if you haven't ate in weeks." I said looking at him. I laughed to myself. He was fourteen years old and still taller then me.

"Ginette you wouldn't believe. I don't get fed much on those trips." He said packing in more. "Come in."

"You're a pig!" I joked.

He smiled. "Nope! Just a growing boy..."

I looked down a shook my head. No need getting into that.

"Ginette, good to see you again." Isaac said as he hugged me.

"You too Ike."

"Tay is upstairs." He kenw who I had come to see.

"Thanks. Oh, good job on the album. It sounds great."

"It is isn't it?" He asked as he sat at the table going through paper work.

"Loved it!" I said as I walked up the stairs.

"Tay!" I said as I walked into his room.

"Gin, baby." We rushed into eachother arms. He kissed my lips softly. Three months since I felt that feeling. He looked at me then continued. It felt so good to be back in his arms.

"You're more beautiful than the last time I seen you."

"Stop." I laughed.

"I got good news!." He looked down at me as he still held his grip to me. "I want to spend some time with you before we go to Canada for more promotion."

"I want to Tay. You know I do." I said as I gazed into his eyes. Time stood as I looked at him. His eyes sparkled. His whole face lit up. I could tell he was thinking of me. Just by the way his eyes scanned my face.

"Then you'll come to the cabin I rented for us?" He looked down at me as for approval.

"Yes." My heart stopped. Could I feel any better. I thought. My life was complete.

He smiled and we kissed again.

Back to the chapters.

Chapter 4
