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LaKendra Neshawn Hill

January 3, 1982 - February 6, 1994

On 5 February, 1994, Kendra was in a tragic car accident. She was air lifted to Medical University of South Carolina and admitted to the hospital because of a closed head injury.

Throughout the night an amazing thing happened. A four year old boy was admitted into the hospital and put in the same room as Kendra. His mother was there, all alone, without any knowledge as to what his illness was. I took the initiative to speak with her because I knew the pain she was feeling.

Even though I had family support, I still felt a bond to this woman knowing she was a mother as well. We talked all night and reached to God for guidance and to let His will be done. The next day, Kendra was pronounced brain dead. As for the little boy, he had only a 15% chance of living if he did not receive a liver transplant. We decided to donate, not knowing whether or not it would match. We later found out that the liver was a perfect match for the little boy.

Because of Kendra, the boy lives today. It was a miracle from God!

Mary, A Loving Mother

The following bible verses were Kendra's favorite. They are from:


14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

14:4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

14:5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way

14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Words From Family and Friends

I think my cousin, Kendra, deserved a gold medal.
She was a great person.
She always smiled.
Whenever I needed someone to talk to, my cousin was there.
She also touched alot of people's hearts.
She was the prettiest, smartest, and coolest person that I've ever known.
There is one thing...I hope she knows that I'm not mad at her for leaving me, and I LOVE HER.
That's why I think she deserves a GOLD MEDAL.

Written by: Takela Bellamy (Kela), cousin, l994

Lakendra Is An Angel Now...You Should Be Happy For Her!!!

Written by: Ronetta Grate, cousin, 6th grade, 1994


The times we had together
We will always cherish the good and the bad.
But the Lord called you home now,
And we will not be sad.
We knew this day would come,
But we just didn't know when.
So sleep on LaKendra, until we meet again.

Written by: Your loving friend, Trenekia Stackhouse, 6th grade, 1994

Dear LaKendra,
I miss you so much. It is so hard to think about you and think of you as gone. You are in my heart and soul forever. The way you smiled and danced; these things will be with me forever. I will Love and Miss you, Lakendra.
Good-bye, my friend,

Written by: Felissa Grissett, best friend, 6th grade, 1994

Kendra--that's what I called her, at the age of 12, she was well loved by her friends as well as her family. She did not meet any stranger along the way; she always had a kind word for everyone. She always lended a helping hand to anyone that crossed her path. I'm so proud of my precious angel and I LOVE HER, too.

Written by: Mary Hill


To lose a child is a great burden to bear.
It is a hard task.
But GOD says he will put no
More on us than we can bear.
There is not a day that
I do not think of you, Kendra.
For I could not and will not ever forget you.
I have so many wonderful memories of you.
You were loving, kind, sweet,
And so willing to help anyone.
You always wore a smile that brought
The sun out on a cloudy day.
The love that you had for others
Beamed like sunshine and
It shined on alot of people.
Baby, you know GOD put us here on
Earth for a reason and I often think that you
were here to show people how to love one
Another with unconditional love.
You did that, darling.
Kendra, for the twelve years you were here,
I loved you unconditionally and I always will.
You are loved even more by GOD.
I know you are letting your beautiful smile
Shine all over Heaven.
Baby, since you left me, I sometimes find myself
wondering how I am going to make it without you
Then I remember your loving ways and
I thank GOd for having you as long as I did.
All of the great memories help fill
The emptiness in my heart.
You were a very Special little girl to everyone.
I just want to tell you that you have
Touched many, many peoples' lives.
Kendra, you will never be forgotten.
Kendra, Daughters are forever and
I am glad that I have you as mine.

Love, Mom (Mary)
Written: February 6, 1995

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