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By God We Serve

God has given every man a particular gift and calling. God deals with us as individuals, God is truly specific He has given each member of His body something specific to do. God has done this of His own will. The Lord gave unto every man according to His divine plan for each life. The Lord did all this but every man can only ministers according to the hand of the Lord our God upon him. This is in accordance with scripture.

Ephesians 4:7

"But unto everyone of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ."

1 Peter 4:11

... "if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth..."

Beloved there is a measure of the gift of Christ in your life. The Holy Spirit is the presence of God in us. The gifts we manifest are a direct manifestation of the Holy Spirit in us. As long as we are in the programme of God for this end-time we can not afford to be idle, rather he said we should occupy (actively serve the Lord) till he comes. Beloved let us therefore labour fervently that when he shall appear we might be rewarded and not condemned. God is counting on us to do our part as he will always do His part.

There are mountains to climb and valleys to cross but the fact is we can do nothing without Him. For it is he that works in us both to will and to do of his own good pleasure (Phil 2:13). Yes, the strength comes from above and as we yield to the dictates of God we are bound to enjoy walking and working for God in whatever capacity he has called us to serve. The hand of the Lord upon us and the Spirit of the Lord in us releases us to do the will of God. It is the zeal of the Lord that helps us perform His purpose. It is by God we serve. God is our everlasting refuge. Trusting in Him is the only way forward for life and ministry. As we depend on Him we will know His joy. Let us therefore lean on Him totally, He is our Helper.

In conclusion, we are the called of God therefore we must labour daily to make our calling an election sure (2 Peter 1:10). You may ask how do I do this? The only way to affirm the call of God upon your life is by yielding to the Lord who called you. For it is only as we draw near to him in all things that we can truly serve Him. Drawing near in prayer and in the study of His Holy word. By God only can we serve.

Olusola Osinoiki

Compliments of: Josh Publications