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The world is travelling along a death path. The hope of this generation being saved seems increasingly remote than ever before. The young children who played under the moonlight and in the back garden are now watching pornographic films and desire to know more about sex and violence. The adults who saw marriage as a holy and honourable institution have adopted a new slogan that "marriage is not important." People would rather just live together sharing bills, having sex, having kids, sharing their hearts deepest secrets and working together rather than have a holy commitment - Marriage. Some would even buy a house together but never go down the altar. Marriage they say is not important.

Early to rise and off to work, but there is no incentive for either. There is constant pressure to perform at work, tax is high, expenses massive, there is no comfort or security in the job, and for some, the pay is too low. That is why we see in this generation more than ever before a high demand for Social Security Benefit. In this generation, again we see the highest number of people off work due to stress. There is so much instability in the economy of nations, the news of war and famine seems to hit us from every side of the earth no matter which side we live on.

The purpose for living seems to be fading. The suicide rate is increasing astronomically. Why? You ask. It is because there is no joy in living. What about the church? The moral standard within it is going down hill. The whole creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God, God's children but what do we see in the church today; Husband's beating their wives, or cheating on the them, and wife doing the same. Men and women not being diligent at work, stealing from the office, slacking on the job, men and women committing adultery, having abnormal lifestyles and Pastors stealing church money. Beloved, at times we look at the church and it seems the new creature does not appear although the seed has been sown. Man just strangles the seedling and goes back to the old, and sometimes even worse things happens in the church and world stares in amazement.

At times, it feels like Christianity is not real, divorced from reality. Why do people bother to cross the line if they are not willing to go the distance? We are all vulnerable to sin but where sin abounds, God's grace abounds much more still. Actually, this is no excuse for us to continue in sin. Rather we should strive to live above sin. Sin requires effort, this effort is the movement of our whole person mentally or physically to commit the act of sin. Why don't we make an equal but opposite effort not to commit the act of sin? It is certainty possible; we have all experienced it. By the grace of God, we can all live above sin. Would you rob a bank tomorrow? I guess your answer is no, because you know it is wrong the more you read God's word, the more you can live right.

To every human being, life ought to be meaningful, for if life loses its meaning; it is easy to lose sight of the author of Life. People who lack a desire for God and for the things of God life would lack meaning. God is the essence and the basic ingredient of life; a life without God is like a mirage. We all need to develop a personal relationship with God. We need to accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ over our lives. We need to spend time in the word of God, the bible, and spend time in prayer drawing nearer to God. Above all, in all your ways acknowledge Him and God will make your paths straight in these evil times.

Back to basics.

Beloved, look beyond what is before you into the truth of God's word then live for God. Back to Basics

Olusola Osinoiki

Compliments of: Josh Publications