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Jesus of Nazareth; A Man Approved of God (Acts 2:22)

There are many echoes in Christendom today. We have many that do the spectacular, we have many that do miracles, but lack the very nature of God. The bible says that anything that is not done out of love, is not of God and profited nothing. The problem we have today is that we have too many men in the pulpits who have not been approved by God. The important thing is not the wonders that are performed but the spirit behind it. Any wonder done for human glory is done of the devil. The bible says that God is love and for us to walk in the light we must walk in love.

Fish and Cross

Looking at it from another perspective, we could say that signs and wonders are no more around us. Why you may ask? It is because we preachers are not tapping into the real source of miracles. The love of Jesus caused and causes the resurrection of the dead and the restoration of sight to the blind. Yes, we need no more echoes; we need the voices of men that are approved of God. Men accredited, commended and attested to us by God, who would show forth His praises.

Fish and Cross

Men approved of God have the nature of God. This is why it is so easy for them to love – why? Because they know God and they love him and thus can love the world He created. They pray and commune with God on a daily basis because God is their best friend. These men dare not leave their rooms without a check that the Holy Spirit has gone out with them. These men are led by the Spirit and thus have the nature of God. The nature of God is holiness, love and compassion. We need voices that are approved of God. Be ONE!

Olusola Osinoiki

Compliments of: Josh Publications