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In this section i will write down any news/updates/upcoming events/ upcoming updates/etc.... If you want to post something, you can use this as a billboard too if you want. Just email me with your comments, name and email address.

12/05/08 - The page got a major facelift because it looked like it was made by a moron before, and that was supposed to be my secret. I'm working on getting new bass tabs and I have a bunch waiting to be posted. It is my birthday in a few weeks, and anyone who wants to be in my good book can email a happy birthday and make me feel special. OK, Keep coming back because this is just the beginning of the updates. Another way to get into my good book is to tell a friend. This will make me feel special as well! have a good day :) -Craig

18/05.98 - I had a long weekend (Victoria day for all us good ol' canucks) so I had some time to update some more. The page is no longer a crappy looking page made by a moron, but a fairly good looking page made by a moron. I know I've been talking about putting up more tabs, but I just didn't have time this week, but I will try next week. Remember: send me email, and keep on comin' back! Happy Victoria day, Craig :)

13/06/98 - Gob tabs added! three new gob tabs: Hooray!, Fuck them and taken for granted. If anyone has any requests please send them in! Oh yeah, I changed most of the tabs to .txt so you could actually read them. E-mail me! C' ya later, Craig

26/06/98 - Added a guestbook. Added d.b.s. Signed up to link exchange. Added some new links. Learned a little bit more html. Alot has happened in the last few days!

31/01/99- WOW!! Ihavent updated this in a while... but ive updated the page alot this month... I added a Link me page plus tabs for Nofx , Lagwagon , The Spice girls , The Vandals and The Descendants 31 tabs were added in total.... go check em out... ill probably add more tabs and hopefully frames soon... still slowly getting this retarded HTML into my thick skull...

04/07/99 - holy shit. its been 6 months since i updated. whoa.. well. no major additions, a few more tabs. just letting you know im not dead. or i dont think so at least. my wrist is moving and everything. I saw a great show on thursday. chixdiggit for canada day. it was fun. BREAD PLANT! hehe. well thats all for now. im going to add some reviews too so.. uh.. go look at them. oh yeah, go check out
the online agree to disagree. its pretty cool.
see ya -Craig
