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The Blue Lady is now closed to all poetry and fiction submissions


The Blue Lady: A Magazine of Dark Fiction is now closed. Issue #8 is almost ready to go to the printer, with hopes of a May 1998 release. I currently have enough material to fill the digest through #14. #14 will be the last issue of the fiction and poetry digest. After a short break, Blue Lady Publishing will begin plans for new projects, including chapbooks and fiction anthologies. Reading times will be posted here and with most of the small press market listings, or you may write or email me for details. Please be sure to include a SASE for a response. Sample issues are available for $5.00./US, $6.00 Elsewhere. *Make checks payable to Donna Burgess, please.*

The Blue Lady, Donna Taylor Burgess, 307 Stratford Place, Murrells Inlet SC 29576

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