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Meet Midnight Rider

How These Guys Got Together

Well heres' the story.
In 1988 David Zor was forming a band in the Tega Cay area of South Carolina, David went around and posted several adds in the music stores. That's were Vance Tinsley saw the add and responded. After a brief audition Vance was a member of the group Mr. Kitty. That band played many gigs and even released a cassette tape. But, alas, aas most bands do, it died in 1991. Years passed and in the spring of 1996, Vance was thinking about his ole' buddy David, so he gave him a call, and I quote "This sucks, we need to be making music". After much thought and gnashing of teeth, the two decide to go ahead with the project. So they talked around to other musicians and posted adds in the music stores and even placed adds in the local newpapers. When, lo and behold, a young man named David Whitaker responded for the singers position. After a brief audition David W. or DW as we like to call him, was the newest member for Midnight Rider (at that point the name hadn't been chosen). Several weeks passed and David Z. D.W. and Vance started rehearsals in the local Volunteer fire department. When Alan Satler called. Vance took the call and remembers thinking "this guy is the deal". After another brief audition and a clinic on bass guitar. The Chief as we also like to call him, was now a Midnight Rider. At this point the circle was almost complete. All that was missing was a drummer. We held several auditions for drummers and man you wouldn't believe me if I told you, how many drummer there are. But the final vote came down to a gentleman by the name of Ben Eason. Once the circle was complete rehearsals began in earnest. And six weeks later Midnight Rider was playing its first show at a club called Michaels' in Lancaster S.C.. Now you may be wondering, "Hey thats not Ben Eason on those drums now!" This is true, let me explain. Ben became a father to a beutiful baby and he felt the need to leave the group, it was a sorrowful afair but Ben left us as a friend and he will always be a friend. So, where did Wayne Watkins come from? Wayne came to us by answering an ad. He adutioned and we knew immediately that he was the man for the band. Wayne has come into the group and is now a member of our family. That sounds kinda corny, but, its the truth. Back in, December 1998. D.W. decided it was time to move on and left the guys, he is still a good friend and will always be like a brother. Also, in Feb 1999, Dave Zor also decided it was time to break away. Like D.W. he remains a very good friend and brother to the band. Now, that brings us up to date. Alan/Wayne and Vance have taken a step back and looked at things and have decided to continue with Midnight Rider. They have changed the set lists, rewriten some of the original material and they are writing new material as of today. The band continues to get rave reviews on each performance. There have been a lot of good times and hard times so far with Midnight Rider, but, we never forget what we are trying to accomplish. What is that you may ask? Well we are devoted to having the world hear our original music. We may be a little prejudice, but we think its some of the best out there today. We hope you agree.
History marches on!

Hey who are those guys, REALLY!

Alan Satler - Bass guitar and vocals
Alan is a native of Conneticut, he has been in bands since he could hold a guitar. Alan also (believe this) is an Eagle Scout! This man is really prepared for anything. A virtual genius with sound equipment and all the trouble that goes along with it. Alan has an agressive yet highly technical skill with the bass guitar and recieves many accolades from his peers. And, he is also very active in his Community Theater, he does the lights he does the stages he does some acting he does everything he can. We call him the Chief most of the time and respect him all of the time.

Wayne Watkins - Drums, Percussion and vocals
Wayne (aka) Waynes World, is Mr. Timing, this guy is a human metronome. He steadily bangs out the most complex beats and timings, all while smoking a cigarette. Wayne recently graduated from a technical college with CAD under his belt. He also loves to travel, in fact he spends more time on vacation than most people ever take. But seriously, Wayne adds expertise to Midnight Rider that is very hard to find. His ability to understand some of the "artistic adaptations" that the band places in some of their music, is both rare and a blessing. And Wayne is also a big fan of Neil Young.

Vance Tinsley - Guitars, Keyboard and vocal
Vance is diffrent. he's not your odinary guy. He grew up listening to southern rock and has a style that is the same, but not, as many southern rockers. He has a flare for songwriting and the flow of the music. Some little known Vance facts: he loves to travel, he loves the outdoors, and really does wear perscription glasses. Vance is the laid back guitar player with the intensity of a volcano.

If there are any questions or comments please E-mail us.

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