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Part 5

(Poole) The group had been on their way into the Empire for a fortnight when they reached their first village. Everyone in the group was ecstatic about being able to finally rest for a day or so and see other people. Tyric and Hopp sat down at a table outside a tavern.

"Well, we need to stock up on some supplies just in case the next village isn't very close." Tyric said, trying to start a conversation.

Hopp nodded, "And I'd wager the border is still another three weeks away or so. I just hope we don't run into any serious trouble when we get there. I really hope that the Magus doesn't get hold of us somehow, because if he does, lets just say it won't be pleasant... Excuse me," and with that she got up and went to go buy her supplies.

Tyric ordered himself a drink, but before it came he decided he'd better get started on his supplies as well.

A few hours later, when they finally met together, they saw that all were ready for the next part of their trip. Bolt looked unusually packed down with his supplies, but assured everyone that he would be ok.

"Did anyone notice anything strange when you were buying the supplies? I kept having this feeling that someone was following, it seemed to be hiding in the shadows and alleys, but there was definitely something focused on me.", said Silverleaf. The others shook their heads, but didn't say anything. Silverleaf just shrugged and the group went to an inn to spend the night.

The next morning, when they all agreed it was time to go, the group once again set out.

The rain on the trip was horrible, they couldn't go anywhere for a few days and had to camp out for the duration of the storm. Then, suddenly, all the rain stopped one day and they set off as fast as they could. The rain had slowed them down, it had taken 2 days for it to pass, not to mention how muddy the trail was now.

Bolt growled and said, "I can't believe how horrible this luck is, first it rains for days on end, and finally when it stops we get a road full of mud. This is getting ridiculous."

Baele nodded, "Yeah, its going to take us a lot longer to get there now because of that damned rain." They trudged on hoping that the road would dry up soon. What they didn't notice though, was that a strange figure was creeping behind them in the bushes.

The Magus sat in his chair waiting for some image to come up in front of him, a hint at where the adventurers might be. Then he realized that the assassins hadn't arrived to receive their orders.

"What is taking those damn Assassins of Karela?! I sent for them over an hour ago!" Just then, the Assassins arrived at the door to the Magus' hall.

The leader of the assassins saluted and said in a dry tone, "We are here to serve you, Magus. Tell us what you wish for us to do." He bowed and waited for the magus to speak.

"I want you to find the brats who destroyed my spire, and bring them to me. It doesn't matter if they're dead, maimed, or what, I want to see their bodies in any condition! I'm giving you 3 weeks to bring them back here. Now go! I need to plan my next move." The assassins bowed and walked out. "Now, what should I do to those little kids when I find them... ah, maybe I can-"

Just then a messenger of the Emperor came in, "The Emperor would like to see you, he wants to know what's going on about the experiment."

"Fine then, I'll be right there to explain everything." The Magus got up and walked out, followed by the page.

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