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Part 4

"Damn it!"

Lestahg, the Emperor’s eldest son, paced furiously around the room. Laucos stayed perfectly still, smirking inwardly at the thought of treating Lestahg like some dangerous beast.

"It has been over a fortnight," the young man continued, "since those... those miscreants destroyed the Magus’ spire! And now," his voice rose, "he has lost sight of them! The scrying pond cannot find them!"

"I’m sure his highness is not seriously concerned," Laucos said evenly.

"Of course I’m not!" Lestahg growled. "Leave me, General. I’m in no further mood for company."

Nor I, Laucos thought as he thankfully departed.

A page intercepted Laucos in the hallway. "The Emperor wishes to speak with you in his hall, General." Laucos nodded and set off, anticipating more war councils and martial law.

Laucos slowed as he entered the chamber. It was completely devoid of people. The torches had allbeen extinguished, and the only light source was the starlight streaming in through the large windows. The Emperor stood at one of these, and he wore an expression Laucos had never seen on him before: sadness.

"Good evening, General," the Emperor said, not turning. "Come, join me."

Laucos walked forward and saluted. "Sir."

"Please," Deras asked, "dispense with formalities, just this once."

Laucos awkwardly dropped the salute, and stayed silent.

"Have you noticed the distinguishing characteristic of all the conflicts we are involved in?" the Emperor asked. Wen Laucos gave no answer, he continued. "They all involve youths. You, my son, the lad in Calistad, even that group of adventurers... all so young. You’re not supposed to be growing up with this."

Deras looked Laucos in the eye. The general wasn’t sure what to do.

"Tomorrow, I am sending you out, theoretically to find these ‘Companions’." The Emperor looked back up to the sky, "Laucos, I am dismissing you from service. This is not the life you are meant to live. A company of men loyal to you will escort you, then they will be discharged as well."

Laucos frowned. "Your son will kill you."

Deras smiled wearily. "He’s already tried. Now go, Laucos Riy. Find your future."

Laucos held out his hand. The Emperor took it. "Thank you," he said, and left.

(Writer: Tyric) Meanwhile, in another wing of the palace, the Magus sat in a padded chair pondering his next move against the Companions.

"Those children are going to ruin everything! All my years of planning to be in control of the Throne Head are unraveling!" He gestured angrily and an image of Tyric appeared before him. "Especially this one."

"I quite agree." Katila stepped into view from the shadows.

The Magus grinned when he saw her. "Well, This is a lovely turn of surprise. Everyone thought you were-"

"Dead?" Katila interrupted. She laughed. "I don’t die easily. Those brats on the other hand," she growled and trailed off.

"Don’t be so sure, my sweet. They did take out three of your team."

"Only because the other four turned tail on me!" Katila snapped. She closed her eyes and regained her composure. "Now then, what do you plan to do?"

"Well, " he said, "a while ago, I acquired some, shall we say, "mercenaries". I have been waiting for quite a while to use them, and I believe now is the time." He dangled an octagonal pendant in front of Katila’s face. "Recognize this?" She jumped up and clapped her hands in joy. The Magus smiled. "Indeed. Now go, I must send out my orders." Katila curtsied and disappeared.

To the Library