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Part 1

(Writer: Tyric) The group walked through the forest, which was glowing with the mid-day sun. Only mid-day... Tyric thought. He had entered back to the land of the conscious only recently- Thank goodness the forest floor has grass, he thought dryly- having accidentally been dropped on the ground. Too many little "accidents" in one day for me. It was mind-boggling as well as pointless in his view to count the number of times he had been hit, scratched, bruised, not to mention knocked out. As Tyric continued his thoughts, Hopp was becoming annoyed. The silence of the group was starting to trouble her. This is pitiful She thought. Even the birds are making more noise than we are. As she walked, she racked her brain for any topic. Not surprisingly, her topic of conversation was "Aren’t my woods beautiful?" However, it didn’t catch on as she had hoped it would.

Meanwhile, a distance away from the group, a figure emerged from the smoldering mire that was once the Spire. Her dress was caked in mud, ripped and burnt, and she was dripping wet to top it off. Katila, her beautiful features threatening from her combined insanity and wickedness, cackled with glee.

Those fools, she thought. The magus will be happy to see me, and when those pests arrive with a miserable attempt to attack the Empire, well she snickered, I’m the last thing they’ll see

The Weaver Queen raised her hand and disappeared in a swirl of black, ignorant of the figure in the trees that had been watching.

"That lady is crazy," Nalia said under her breath. "she looks familiar too, but she is definitely crazy." She paused, trying to remember who the person was. "Damn it," she said after a few minutes and close to tears. "how can I recognize her when I don’t even know who I am myself?" Nalia fingered a small golden sun on a chain before leaping incredibly to the ground and sprinting away.

(Writer: Bolt/Laucos) Many miles away, across forests, hills, and rivers, three men brooded over a huge pool of water within one of Castle Juristein’s many rooms. One was dressed nobly; expensive clothing and jewelry decorated the entire self-styled Emperor. To his right was a man clad in gray robes, the operator of the magical scrying pond. To his left was a man wearing tanned boots, loose white pants and matching shirt, and soft white cape. He had long blond hair and grayish blue eyes. Everyone knew him as one of the Empire’s finest men- General Laucos Riy.

"Do you think they’ll know that was ours?" Riy asked. The trio was viewing the remains of the Weavers’ Spire.

Emperor Deras laughed. "Hardly. It’s far enough away from here that no one will make the connection."

The mage turned. "I am disturbed that those... People destroyed my experiment. I suggest you watch them and have them killed as soon as possible."

Deras frowned, and nodded slightly. "Dismissed," he said.

Riy grabbed the hilt of his sword, bowed, and departed. He was torn-- one of the adventurers leaving that rubble was an old friend of his, "Bolt" Suresight. He needed some time alone to think.

(Writer: Nematar) Back in the Sifune forest, the tired and battered party trudged on towards Hopp’s "treehouse". A definite air of hopelessness had settled over most of the party, uncharacteristic considering their accomplishments. "The Empire is massive... This experiment can’t be their only one, and certainly not their most dangerous. All we really just did was clean up Hopp'’ woods. They’ll be back at it before long..." a downtrodden Silverleaf mused aloud.

"Always the optimist, eh?" said Bolt, understanding in his eyes. "But you’re right. They won’t stop with some messed-up spider-humans. I get the feeling that what we just did has committed us, though. Insignificant as the Weavers may be, no offense Merick and company, the Empire won’t be happy. They might very well come for the perpetrators."

"They will," answered Merick. "Katila had fairly regular communications with the Empire. Doubtless they already know."

"Well then, what we must do seems obvious", said Hopp. The entire party looked at her blankly. "go to the Empire, find out who’s behind this, and put a stop to it!" said an excited Hopp.

"Umm... Hopp? Don’t you think we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves? I mean, we aren’t that powerful..." said a doubtful Bolt. The others voiced their agreement, except for Tyric, who looked thoughtful, and Merick and his companions, who shifted uncomfortably.

"Aaaaargh! Am I the only one here who has morals?" I mean, if this is a minor experiment, just imagine what could be happening elsewhere to innocent people! Tyric, what do you think?" said an exasperated Hopp.

Tyric slowly turned away from Hopp and let his eyes wander over the party. He gazed over the people who, in such a short time, had become so close to him. Should he risk losing all of them? Did he have the right to? Tyric slowly turned back to Hopp. "Let’s talk once we’re safely inside your house."

A questioning look came over Hopp. "Sure, Tyric," she replied, eyebrows knitted together in concern. "Let’s go then."

To the Library