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Part 10

Meanwhile, Silverleaf was beginning to recover from the fall. He groaned and sat up.

"Hey! Silverleaf!" Baele yelled. The words rang in his ears and he shook his head a little.

"Sailor X! What happened?" Silverleaf asked.

"Nothing really." She commented. "Tyric’s unconscious again."

Silverleaf sighed. "Is that it?"

"Well, I was fighting Sorisa and she’s unconscious, but she’s pretty strong ad her wounds aren’t that bad. Everybody else seems to be struggling."

"So, what’s the plan?" he questioned.

"You wait here until you’re strong enough. I’m going to help Bolt. Bye!" she said, and ran off.

(Writer: Hopp) Silverleaf looked around him and saw people fighting on all sides. (Writer: Silverleaf, edited by Tyric) After taking a few deep breaths, he shouted, "Wait up!" and dashed after Sailor X. Meanwhile, Bolt was swinging his awe wildly, desperately attempting to hack Nalia to pieces, who quickly surrounded herself with a wall of fire. Suddenly, Bolt’s axe began to glow and quickly became red hot, causing Bolt to curse and drop it. Nalia took advantage of this by pinning him down with a net of filaments. While Nalia was gloating, Baele saw Silverleaf neatly fit his bow with an arrow and take aim. Nalia didn’t notice, partially due to the shifting mist created by Baele. The arrow flew towards Nalia’s head, but just missed. It hit the wall on the far end and shattered on impact. Nalia released a ball of fire, smashing Baele to the ground in flames.

Silverleaf tensed- his allies were falling before him and he didn’t know what to do. He turned to see Hopp, Alita, and another Weaver facing off Katila. Tyric was still on the ground. Silverleaf turned to Bolt, who was struggling with the net. Lightning crackled from his fingertips and the filaments snapped. (Writer: Tyric) Nalia raised her hands and fire blossomed from her fingertips. Silverleaf looked up and saw it racing towards him and Bolt, when suddenly the blaze flared and disappeared, quenched by a quick gust of wind. Silverleaf and Bolt looked up to see Erith standing over them.

(Writer: Bolt) "Silver," Erith said with a grin. "Sorry to keep you waiting." He turned. "Nalia, I’ve had just about enough of you and your kissing up to the emperor. Time to end it." Erith flung a small, but potent whirlwind at the woman.

"Hey, Silverleaf," Bolt said, "how about we do that trick we used on the fêrns?"

"Got it," the elf answered. He muttered softly "Spirits of air, guide these shots, straight and true."

Bolt loosed several quarrels, and Silverleaf’s spell ushered them straight to Nalia. She screamed in frustration and pain. Suddenly she changed to her spider form and retreated faster than any could follow. She seemed to disappear into the wall.

Meanwhile, Katila was quickly being forced back. It slowly began to dawn on her that she couldn’t hold against the combined onslaught of her attackers. "Damn you traitors!" she screeched, and then flung a strand towards the ceiling. The queen disappeared into a hole. Hopp looked around, and suddenly realized that the room was catching on fire from various spells.

"Let’s get out of here!" she said.

"We can stop the fi--" Alita began.

"Let it burn," Merick said, "and good riddance." Quickly the group gathered together, and headed for the exit, Tyric borne aloft by Erith and Silverleaf.

"Sorisa’s going to wake to an unpleasant surprise," Baele said.

Bolt grunted. "Hopefully she won’t wake. Now let’s go!"

With the Guardians to guide them, the part quickly made its way to the exit. Merick was the last to leave, and he gave one last glance backward. He turned when Erith put a hand on his shoulder.

"She’s gone, friend. Not dead, but definitely gone."

The group made haste away from the demonic spire as flames engulfed it, and reduced its towering visage to ashes.

End First Story

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