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MORE ALLIANCES!: were signed two new Trade and Research Alliances with the following empires

Draken Empire.

Cerban Empire. Also, this alliance is valid in the SE3 Universe Ladder.



TREATY: was accepted the proposal of the Vokell Empire, to establish a Non-Aggresion treaty.



LADDER: our allies of the K'Star Republic, Ri'Chex Empire and Calisto Shipyards, was joined to the SE3 Universe Ladder.



TREATY: We established a Trade Alliance with the Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Galactic Empire.



TREATY: Our Federation signed a Trade Alliance with Blinda  of the Altarak Empire. And again, this Alliance is valid in the SE3 Universe Ladder.



TREATY: Our Federation signed a Trade Alliance with the G'urak Dominion Empire. Also, this Alliance is valid in the SE3 Universe Ladder.



TREATY: Our Federation signed a Trade Alliance with the Emperor Daniel Salive of the United Federation Empire. Also, this Alliance is valid in the SE3 Universe Ladder.

TREATY: Our Federation signed a Trade Alliance with the Sovereign Nation of Pacifica.



VICTORY! The mixed fleets of our Federation, the Admiral Krell and other allied races, destroy the weak forces of the Emperor Tiberius. The Emperor Tiberius was sended to an insane asylum.

UPGRADE: Our Federation decides to accept the proposal of the Admiral Krell, to upgrade our Military Alliance to Partnership.



WAR: Have started a civil war between the Emperor Tiberius and the Admiral Krell of the K'Star Empire. In agreement to the Military Alliance signed some days ago, our Federation has decided to support the Admiral Krell forces, and to send our fleet of war against the insane Emperor Tiberius.



JOIN: Our Federation decides join to the 'Space Empires III Universe', created by the Warlord Adamus, of the Amaru Commonwealth.



TREATY: We're establishing contact with the Admiral Krell from the K'Star Republic, and was signned  a Military Alliance.

TREATY:  In agreement to the political of our race, we're establised a treatise of Trade and Research, with the very technologist race named Insatian. His leader is the Great Emperor Instar.



TREATY:  We're establishing contact with the Warlord Adamus, from the Amaru Commonwealth, and was signned  a treatise of Trade.



                HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!



RETREAT : because our Race not want to initiate wars with nobody, the Council of our Federation decides to remove all our ships and colonies from the galaxy Great Phoenix.



   ATTACK! We lose the contact with 3 of our explorer ships. Upon seeming were vaporized by hostile aliens.

MESSAGE: We receive a message from the Old Ones, cautioning that our race not must intend to occupy their territory, because of countered they would destroy us.



INTELLIGENT LIFE: Our exploreres found a race called as The Old Ones. We have checked that they possess a technology very advanced, many more than that we have seen until now! Do not seem to be very friendly.



COLONIZATION:  Continued without problems the colonization of the galaxy Great Phoenix. At the moment, still we can't found some form of intelligent life.



TREATY:  we signned a treatise of Partnership with the Colony 37.

TREATY: Later clearing an initial misunderstanding, our Federation decides to establish a Treatise of Trade with the Nation of Quasat.



DISCOVERY! Scouts our Federation, have discover a new Galaxy, that apparently has not intelligent life. The Galactic Council has decided baptized as 'Great Phoenix' and has disposed the immediate colonization of this galaxy.


TREATY:  Master Belisarius and Lord Bill from the Lithium Empire, signned a treatise of Trade and Research. The Galactic Council of the Aquilae Federation, wait that is the beginning of a new time of cooperation between both empires!



TREATY:  was signned a treatise of Trade and Research with the Klendathi Empire.



TREATY:  We're establishing contact with the C.E.O. of the Calisto Shipyards, Antonio Marcelo, and was signned  a treatise of Trade and Research.



NEUTRALITY:  The Galactic Council of the Aquilae Federation, decides to be declared neutral respect to the conflict between the Empires Vokell  and Borfalkian, against the Unified Terran Empire and allies.

OFFER: Due to the great demand of warlike materials, was put to disposition of the Empires in War, a complete catalog of Ships, Components and Weapons. Establish furthermore, a discount of the 10 % for said articles, while remain the war.

PEACE: Later of various interchanges of messages with the Emperor Bolokin, was accorded to establish the peace between our Federation and the Bosh-Kel Empire. Currently is effective a treatise of non-intercourse.


CHANGE: Our ally, the Orgy Empire, have a new government and exchange their name to 'The Orgian Peace Keepers'



Wiped!: The Kintara Establishment disappears in the limbo. Their treasonable leader, The Exterminator loses their account of mail in AOL, by the illegal actions against the Orgy Empire (The Exterminator sent a message to threaten us, but utilizing the mail of the our friends, the Orgy Empire).     



Incredible!: Without some motive, The Exterminator (supposed Emperor that governed the destroyed remains of the Kintara Establishment), was declared the war against us. The Galactic Council of the Aquilae Federation has decided to ignore the ridiculous threatenned and communicated to The Exterminator, that we not could enter in war with an Empire nonexistent ...    



WAR!: In agreement to our treatise of Partnership with the Serifen Empire, we declared the war against the Bosh-Kel Empire. Our Fleet of war is ready  for stop the Bosh-Kel threat. The Aquilae Federation does a called to all the Civilizations that love the peace: Join with us in this crusade against this race that has promised to conquer all the Universe!



BAD NEWS!: Our allies from the Orgy Empire and the Kintara Establishment, are now at war! We try to determine the motives of the war, and mails was sent urgently to both allied, doing a called to the sanity, to resolve pacifically any difference between two friendly races.

Too Late!: The Kintara Establishment was burned by the Orgy Empire, and Lord Barron leader of Kinara, was captured. The ambassador of the Orgy Empire has explained some of the motives of the war, and say that they acted in proper defense. The Galactic Council of the Aquilae Federation, considered the reasons exposed, and decides to keep the treatise of Partnership with the Orgy Empire.


UPGRADE:  We have updated our treatise with the Serifen Empire to Partnership. As gift, the Emperor Arena sent to us the design of the following Freighter/Trader:

        Amisk-Class Ultra Freighter/Trader.

        Status for Amisk-Class Ultra Freighter/Trader:

        Cargo Space: 10,000,000 kilotons

        Armor: 5,000dp

        Movement: 20ly (20 moves)

        Defense: 1 menson blaster for defense

Furthermore, we decide that our fleet would keep  alerts for the Bosh-Kel threat.



We're established a Trade Alliance with the powerful Arcturan Empire.



We're established a Trade Alliance with the Malakari Empire.



Afterwards of brief interchanges of messages, we have achieved to establish a new Treatise of Trade and Research, in this opportunity with the Kintara Establishment.

An alien ship was detected in one of the edges of our galaxy. When our vessels of Patrol neared to verify their intentions, the ship transmited a friendly message in the galactic language. Identified as ambassadors of the powerful Terran Empire, and in name of the Great Emperor Jendevi, offer us a treatise of nonagression. The Council of our Federation decides immediately accept the proposal, and offer to the Terran Empire, a treatise of Trade.

The Terran Empire accept the Trade Alliance.



We have established a Treatise of Non-Agression with other alien race: The Serifen Empire.



We are receiving a proposal of the Ri'Chex Empire, to establish a Trade and Research Treaty. In agreement to the political of our race, our President Belisarius responded affirmatively to the proposal.

Incredible!! Today we are receiving another proposal to establish a Trade and Research Treaty. In this opportunity, from the GA Empire . Our President Belisarius also has responded affirmatively to this proposes.



We not are alone in the universe!! Our scanners detected one message, that undoubtedly belongs an intelligent race. Afterwards, our translators determined that were originating of a race denominated Orgy Empire, proposing a treatise of partnership. Our President, Master Belisarius, accept the proposal in the name of the Galactic Council.



We discover the technology for travel between galaxies, and begin the exploration for know another intelligent races and to establish trade routes.