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Structures Inhabitants Allegiances       

As you journey across the plains you come acrossed a Border fort composed of 12ft high palisade wall, along the wall are small divets that anyone of knowledge would know were caused by arrows striking the strong wood, to your left you notice an opening in the wall that leads through to the other side with towers of the same material as the wall stretching a few feet above, with platforms at the top, these platforms lie unmannded with not a soul in sight,but for the first time it shows that someone had recently been there as flags of little ware sway in the light breeze upon poles in the center of each platform, each flag colored black and a silver diamond with a crimson red Z cutting through it lies in the center. Crossing through the opening evidence of battle again shows itself as arrow marks striken this side of the wall along with deep scars from sword slashes missing their opponent and coming in contact with the wall before them, while the ground itself shows the signs of footprints of whom the owners have been long forgotten with the suddle marks of blood dotting the area in certain spots, looking further down this trail of destruction the ground approaching looks no different then that of the land before it, but someone had been here recently, and is most likely still here, come explore this land of forgotten lives, this land of Zenobia, or should it be known as the Kingdom of Zenobia